Cartoon Network synopsis: Three adolescent Thunderdrums are wrecking havoc on Berk and only Thornado can control them.
According to Brook Chalmers, the episode is called "Bing! Bam! Boom!" instead of "Bang!" as it is listed on Cartoon Network and in episode guides.
Below are nine frames from the episode and two from Facebook!
Facebook screenshots:
Awwww! They're soooo cute!!!
ReplyDeleteHow cute!!!!
ReplyDeleteI do have some questions:
ReplyDelete1. What kind of trouble are those little Thunderdrums causing?
2. What's up with the target barrels in the academy?
3. Could those Thunderdrums be related to Thornado?
Too adorable!!
ReplyDeleteI know, right?!
ReplyDeleteJessie and James moment is defiantly coming to this episode.
ReplyDelete6th comment... Nah just kidding. I dont do that. Is it on anime flavor yet? (Im at school and checking on the grapevine secretly....)
ReplyDeleteThis episode really looks promising! Can'twait to watch it! And these baby Thunderdrums are adorable :)
ReplyDeleteIt hasnt aired yet, and since ive been watching on animeflavor since RoB, it will be added to the site at around midnight :) i know the routine XD
ReplyDelete1. They're orphans, and probably out of control using their sonic blast on everyone.
ReplyDelete2. The barrels are probably a target practice taking place before the Thunderdrums arrive.
3. Probably not, but I'm pretty sure they'll end up with Thornado as their leader, explaining why Thornado won't be in HTTYD2, or in the last two episodes.
Picture number 9 made me look twice. I thought for a second that the little green one was dead. (But after a second I realized it wasn't).
ReplyDeleteOMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! Finally! After episodes of complaining that we will not see this guy, he's the star of the episode! (I hope he is there for more then half of the run time) Im so happy right now! But I hope he doesn't leave this episode.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Stoick will try to forcefully get some father/son time with Hiccup.
ReplyDeletehaha look at hiccup in pic 6
ReplyDeletehe's like yes father
bing bam and boom thats what they will name the three orphans
ReplyDeleteMakes sense!
ReplyDeleteHmm! Good thought!
ReplyDeletethat would be so adorable!
ReplyDeleteAAHAAAA!!! The green one fell over! *squealing*
ReplyDeleteAww, those Thunderdrums looks so cute!
ReplyDeletePrepare for trouble, make it triple?
ReplyDeleteHey, do you guys think that maybe this episode is the one where Hiccups mom comes up? I'm really hoping so. The suspense is killing me!
ReplyDeleteSo, it's basically DuckTales?
ReplyDeleteNope. When the two release Weezing and Arbok to protect the Koffing's and Ekans.
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me, Stoic makes the same mistake as Fishlegs and Thornado turned out to be a girl and these are her children?
ReplyDeleteBTW, what is Stoic holding in the fifth one down where he is talking to Hiccup?!
This seems like a possibility.. and Stoick seems to be holding a horn on that pic.
ReplyDeleteOh my god XD im dying!
ReplyDeleteno valka is going to appear in httyd 2
ReplyDeletewait... Thornado isnt going to be in the last two episodes or HTTYD2!? You've got to be kidding me!
ReplyDeleteI've seen rumors on here that Hiccup's mom (possibly not by name) might be brought up in some capacity in one of the remaining episodes. I'm not sure it was ever confirmed though, so we'll have to wait and see. I wouldn't be opposed to getting a glimpse into that backstory before the movie comes out.
ReplyDeleteI know. But I read somewhere that there's gonna be more on her in defenders of berk. Not saying full appearance or full backstory, it's more like in the episode "Breakneck Bog".
ReplyDeleteAWWWW.... Three baby thunderdrums, how awesome.
ReplyDeleteWE NEED MORE HICCSTRID MOMENTS!!!!! XXX Can't they just have a hug/kiss scene like Thawfest?
ReplyDeleteIT be sweet if that happened, but he could also be male just their father. And that is a horn? It is huge! I haven't seen a horn since the battle horn when the whispering deaths and screaming death attacked in tunnel vision. BTW, where has the screaming death been lately? Hiccups statement at the end of 'Appetite for Destruction' was a little too serious(and a little scary) to not do at least one more thing with big old SD.
ReplyDeleteWhere to watch the episode, (if this is accepted by moderation before the site gets the ep up, just wait a little bit. a little after it airs on live tv it should be up.)
The Screaming Death is still out there. We've been reminded of it several times with the patrols and drills Hiccup has been organizing in case it returns. I'm just not sure if it'll come back in the finale this season, or if they'll save it for the now confirmed 3rd season.
ReplyDelete... I'm sorry, I had to...
(if you want a different size)
The last locked gif was added to HTTYD.com!!!!
(they practically gif-ed the whole trailer, except the valka stuff cuz they were mad that was in the trailer.)
Looks like an instrument.
ReplyDeletehiccup's face in 5 pic I love it! as for pic 6 WTH is with ruff and tuff that is very very disturbing.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should turn Power Rangers into Power Dragons.
O; Oh man! This was a tearjerker. But at least we now know why Stoick has a different dragon in HTTYD2
ReplyDeleteThe next episode actually has a promo.
ReplyDeleteThose dragon feels ;-;
ReplyDeleteI noticed that. It looked intense on several different levels too.
ReplyDeleteHow are you so sure he's even going to get another dragon?
ReplyDeleteI didn't see all of it though.
ReplyDeleteNo No No No! Why would they do this why... :'( SPOILER ALERT: This episode is great, my favorite so far, but its also the most sad, Stoick sets Thornado free.. Its extremely sad, and we will not see him in the movie. My guess is that when season 3 comes around, they might bring him back, in an episode which is my guess... I hope.
ReplyDeleteWell, to sum it up, Snotlout's goofing around almost gets Astrid killed, which enrages Hiccup enough to banish him. Then while he's in banishment, the Screaming Death finds him. I'm looking forward to it even more than I already was now.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we'll ever see Thornado again.
ReplyDeleteSo that's why tornado is not goin to be in dragons 2
ReplyDeleteThis episode was awesome! It was so great seeing Thornado in the limelight for a change. And I really enjoyed the fact that Stoic gave him up. First off it explains so much (now we know why he has that new dragon in httyd2) and it was really an emotional moment. Overall, great episode!
ReplyDeleteI know! Im so sad! Why did they give him a dragon in the first place.. :(
ReplyDeleteI hope so!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they'll ever make another season and Thornado actually comes back with the three little ones all grown up.
ReplyDeleteNext episode Cast Out part 1 has the SCREAMING DEATH AND ITS BIGGER THAN BEFORE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother great episode. They're really on a roll right now. The plot played out pretty much exactly like we all expected culminating with a farewell for Thornado. I'll miss seeing him since he was such an awesome dragon.
What really made this episode for me was the way the characters were handled though. That aspect felt the best it has for the entire duration of the show in my opinion. It was nice to see Stoick come into focus a little more. His interaction with Hiccup was spot on, and it made for a genuinely touching scene when he realized he needed to set Thornado free. Also, while nothing overtly romantic this time around, there were also some nice scenes for Hiccup and Astrid that rather clearly showed them to have a closer bond with each other than with the rest of the crew. That's what I've asked for at length recently, so I'm pleased to finally see it. Heck, even Gobber was closer to the way he behaves in the movie rather than the one-dimensional buffoon he's occasionally been in the series. This was one of my favorite episodes for sure.
Does this image help?
Ok so the episode was AWESOME! Wow did they deliver. It started off with a big ear like machine that allowed Hiccup to listen to dragons, and Thornado and Stoick rode in, eavesdropping on Gobber. At first Stoick thought it was a trick, but Hiccup proved him different. The machine proved to be able to capture sounds from quite a distance off. Then a new sound came into their hearing, and they went to investigate. There on an island were three thunderdrum babies.. Stoick and Hiccup think of how cute, cuddly, and cool they are but leave them there because as Stoick says they can basically survive because they are thunderdrums, the toughest dragon. Which annoyed Toothless.
But the babies came into the village, causing terror. Every attempt at capturing them or controlling them failed.. Everyones attempt until Stoick and Thornado came in and one blast soothed them.. Just long enough for Hiccup to decide he can train them. He gets them into the arena, with a warning from his father that if he couldn't tame them they would have to go.
But training doesn't go so well, and while Thornado looks on sadly they are causing mayhem, until Thornado wanders in and soothes them, they fly together in uinison and Stoick walks in, praising Hiccup and walking away.
But the babies follow Thornado and cause more mayhem..
Thus the gang tries to take the babies to Dragon Island, but they keep following them home. When they think they have ditched them, they return to find them on the island with Stoick and Thornado. Finally Stoick rides with them so Thornado can "train them" to stay or something.
Thornado says his good byes but turns back as he is flying away, because rogue dragons are attacking them! Protecting them as best they can, none are better at protecting them then Thornado. Finally, as the dragons come in to attack again, Stoick gets off Thornado and tells him that he "Has to do what any chief.. or father.. would.." and tells him he would do the same, but he'd still miss him. They fly off, with Thornado watching them in the distance.
End episode!
The preview shows that Snotlout is lounging on Hookfang, throwing boulders while they are flying, and one nearly hits Astrid, knocking her off balance! Toothless and Hiccup save her, and in a blind rage Hiccup screams "You nearly killed Astrid!" And banishes him to an island.. A bit of humor is him saying "You're grounded!"
At the island he seems to be having fun, until a screaming death comes out of the ground, as the scene leaves a screaming Snotlout. So how will this shape up? It got shivers up my spine!
Great episode! I loved it, it had me in awe the entire time! I knew what was going to happen but it still pulled at my heart strings. And the preview was the perfect thing to get my heart racing in preparation for the next episode! The combination was lovely! A sad moment only to be swept up into adrenaline!
I am really thinking we will see some Hiccstrid moments next time, and maybe even a Snotlout x Hiccup rivalry. Yes, Hiccup loses his temper! It's about time Hiccup stood up for his girl!
Go, Hiccup, Go!
I was legit crying when Stoic was saying goodbye to Thornado. I was like "WHAT!? NO?! I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, BUT STILL NO!". They have been through quite a bit together and I thought the way the creators made them say farewell was so nice and touching, it seemed to truly let the viewer reminisce over everything in previous shows. A truly wonderful way to begin saying goodbye to defenders and riders of berk.
ReplyDeleteCourse, my parents being there watching the episode with me (even though they had never seen it before) kind of killed it. Especially since they would give me looks that said "Really? Your into this?".
I know right?!
ReplyDeletebtw i didn't notice it at first but on tumblr some fans noticed her smiling when he yelled at snotlout but moving onto the episode today i thought it was very good hiccups father really has grown
ReplyDeleteThis was a great episode. No huge surprises in terms of plot, but they did it well. Putting a bigger focus on Stoick and Thornado was a very good decision, and it worked better as an episode because of it. I hope Thornado comes back in one of the later seasons though. He was a cool character they should have given the spotlight to more often.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the promo for the next episode looks really good as well. Hopefully they keep their 'good episode' streak going.
What dragon is that? Is it a new type that will be introduced?
ReplyDeleteYou can't really see who's riding. It could still be anyone. Oh... and where did you find that picture?
ReplyDeleteI say Stoick should have tried training those babies. It may not be his job, but he does ride a full grown Thunderdrum.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I thought the same thing.
ReplyDeleteI could definitely see some Hiccup x Snotlout competition in the finale. Maybe even some Astrid x Hiccup moments...
ReplyDeleteThe new HTTYD2 trailer. The one that came out since X-mas.
ReplyDeleteThe screaming death couldn't of possibly grown any more. Could it?
ReplyDeleteThat would be a great idea.
ReplyDeleteMe too.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure almost everybody saw the episode and you'll agree with me when I say that Stoick giving up Thornado was the saddest part of the show. Stoick was the one telling Hiccup about "tough love'' and look at what he had to do. How else is Stoick going to take care of the village if he doesn't have his dragon? (p.s. - don't answer that question. Stoick will probably walk around the village to get stuff done and maybe Gobber and Hiccup will help as well.) That ear thingy that Hiccup built proved to be very helpful to hear dragons (and Gobber) at a far away distance. He should make another one.
ReplyDeleteI hope Thornado comes back to visit and fight the Screaming Death in the season finale!
Speaking of the season finale, you probably saw the short promo at the end of the episode where Snotlout shoots a boulder at Astrid, causing her to fall off Stormfly and Hiccup (and obviously Astrid) finally has had enough of Snotlout's goofiness and Hiccup decides to kick him out of the Dragon Academy (*some thought it was Stoick who kicked him out*). Now that Snotlout's on his own, the island where he's staying, little does he know that the Screaming Death was living on that island.
Now think about this for the finale:
If Snotlout is expelled, how will he warn Hiccup about the Screaming Death if he's not in the academy?
I agree 100%. I also thought the music was spot on. This was the first episode where the music caught my attention multiple times - it drew upon the original themes effectively without re-using them exactly, and it helped the last scene's emotional content incredibly well.
ReplyDeleteOkay :D
ReplyDeleteI heard that Valka is Hiccup's mom.
ReplyDeletePower Dragons
ReplyDeleteIt has been done
ReplyDeleteI never saw that coming, Hiccup expelling Snotlout . . . that's intense
ReplyDeleteOMG I totally feel you. I thought the same thing that it was saying a good bye to the old episodes ; )
ReplyDeleteI just about peed my pats when I saw the Screaming Death one down there X'D Then I saw the mutant Toothless one's neck. Now I'm crying. I love this fandom so much...
ReplyDeleteMan i cried bitterly at the end
ReplyDeleteI have to admit.. I was crying like a baby at the end of that one, goodness Thornado, I hope you come back to visit, and Stoick, you did the right thing. Now about that promo, I didnt see it, but I read about it and I would never have thought that Hiccup would be the one to expel Snotlout! Cant wait till next week! :)
ReplyDeleteI watched it online and I didn't see the preview! I need to find it and watch it. :)
ReplyDeleteT.T who would have guessed under all thoses layers was someone so sweet, Stoick is truly understanding of dragons I'm proud of him though its sad that all hiccup's hard work was all for nothing. T.T I just hope thornato will return in a later episode with bing, bam, and boom. I was tearing up at the end.
ReplyDeleteIt is fixed. It's finally happened. It's unavoidable... For the sake of everyone, including the three orphans and Thornado himself...
ReplyDeleteFarewell, Thornado. While you're probably never been a part of the academy and a very minor dragon character at that, you will always be my favorite dragon character... You will be missed...
Hope you'll return to Berk someday... *sob*
Screaming Death... is on the first part of season finale? O boy o boy o boy... this is gonna be so good! *O*
ReplyDeleteI'll be looking forward of that.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the three babies could just be let to stay in Berk, under Thornado's watchful eyes... They wouldn't wreak havoc and stay in control as long as Thornado is around yes? Much like in Gift of the Night Fury... that should do, though... :(
ReplyDeleteAt least... for the time being they live close by, in Dragon Island... or seas surrounding Berk...
So do I... I hope he'll returns in the next season.
ReplyDeleteI remember that episode. Weezing and Arbok got all weep while watching Jessie, James and Meowth got all blasted repeatedly with Hyper Beam... I hate this kind of moment... Sadness overload! D':
ReplyDeleteFinally got to watch this episode after getting off work.
ReplyDeleteOh man, what an episode, litterly had me glued to my tv.
It was finally nice to see stoick more in this one. And even better that thornado was in most of it and as the lead dragon for a change.
And this one was a tear jerker.
They out did themselves on this one.(writers)
And wow to watch him set thornado free, just goes to show what kind of leader he is. And that he really cared for thornado.
Now for the preview of the season finally
It was surprising to see hiccup lose his temper because of snotlouts actions.
But it was nice to see that side of hiccup come out, especially when astrid was put in danger because of snotlout. Which shows he does care for astrid.
Dang, I think the season finally is going to be epic.
To be honest, I don't feel 1 bit of sympathy for Snotlout at all. I knew it was a Astrid related issue, but still I feel no pity or sympathy for him at all. Snotlout deserved it.
ReplyDeleteHope you don't mind me asking, but why does everybody find Hiccup losing his temper with Snotlout funny?
I really wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I could still feel the emotion between Thornado and Stoick.
ReplyDeleteI need Bing, the green one :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a really great episode. It brings back the quality of father/son drama in HTTYD again,
Also, this episode is definitely for those Thunderdrum fans. I have a normal view on Thornado until I see this episode. Thornado is really Awesome as well as all the Thunderdrums. These dragons combined firepower at the near end really deals greater range and damage to all other dragons. Wow! Thunderdrum is really powerful.
The sad thing? Why do you have to go just when I was beginning to like you, Thornado? DX
Too bad, one of Hiccup's new invention, the Thunder Ear was destroyed that fast. Hiccup is back again to that situation where he needs to endure another lecture/lesson/advice from his father XD
This episode really solves that mystery which bugs me from the HTTYD 2 trailer. You know, when Stoick rides another dragon. This episode finally explains everything. So the series really do can be connected with the sequel movie, even by a little bit. =)
I'm gonna miss Thornadoe
ReplyDeleteOMG I cryed a little at the end. :') I will miss you Thornado.
ReplyDeletei feel your pain, i thought a lot of peel would comment about it but i guess we are the only ones that cared about thornado T-T he will be missed.
ReplyDeleteI will miss poor Thornado. He is so powerful and awesome, and I always thought Thinderdrums were awesome (Hello people they blast your heads off with sound) How freaking awesome is that?
ReplyDeletei am not gonna cry i will not cry i can't cry... ohhhhh thornado ahhh wahhh wahh boo hoo hooo
ReplyDeleteso true...
ReplyDeletereminds me of something
ReplyDeletei care to! i nearly cried when Stoick said he would miss Thornado!
ReplyDeleteXD my stomach hurts!
ReplyDeletethis made my day! XD
ReplyDeleteI really see where you are coming from, definitely. Snotlout is not my fave person in the world. (okay he reminds me of this one really annoying person I know) But I think everyone else finds it funny that just now Hiccup has FINALLY lost his temper for once with the guy. He just found his guts! Plus the fact that he actually did expel him. and itsoc 12 is right, expelling him is a surprise. It still makes sense that he would reach the end of his rope eventually.
ReplyDeleteHow exactly are you so sure that he's going to get a new dragon? And please tell me you have a better answer than some blurry picture you found in the trailer.
ReplyDeleteI know for a fact the fandom exploding over that last scene with the goodbye to Thornado.
ReplyDeleteI also know half of us were exploding because this explains a major question brought up after the Dragons 2 trailer was released. Everyone wanted to know where the heck Thornado was, since Stoick is obviously not riding him, and now we have our answer.
And finally, over the promo for the two-parter coming next week, many were falling out of their chairs dumbfounded and excited. I'm personally looking forward to the minor Hiccstrid and the Snotlout vs. Screaming Death.
Guys I might just be crazy, but to me that doesn't really look like stoic to me, just every time I look at it it just doesn't look like home, but I might be wrong it could be him. But I have this belief that stoic or toothless will die in dragons 2, just sayin.
ReplyDeleteI bet 1 million bucks!!!!, there is goin to be a kiss or at least a hug in the last 2 episodes.
ReplyDeleteI take Lloyd XP
ReplyDeletethe green one that is toothless or i am wrong
ReplyDeletei had to and sad D:
ReplyDeleteI just remembered a funny part in this episode when ruff and tuff taught the three thunder drums how to belch, had me laughing my head off.
ReplyDeletemee 2
ReplyDeleteYes :(... and we need "watchful eyes" for the twins too :D
ReplyDeleteSPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just read on Wikipedia that after Snotlout gets suspended from the academy, he responds by running away. Maybe Hiccup only grounded him for a short period of time, but Snotlout took it very personal and decided to run away from Berk and the island he chose to stay on was occupied by the Screaming Death.
Read the description here:
So I'm guessing when he told Snotlout he wasn't dying in episode 12 when he thought he was going to valhala, Hiccup didn't lose his temper too much?
ReplyDeleteSPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just read on Wikipedia that after Snotlout gets suspended from the academy, he responds by running away. Maybe Hiccup only grounded him for a short period of time, but Snotlout took it very personal and decided to run away from Berk and the island he chose to stay on was occupied by the Screaming Death.
Read the description here:
I just read on Wikipedia that after Snotlout gets suspended from the academy, he responds by running away. Maybe Hiccup only grounded him for a short period of time, but Snotlout took it very personal and decided to run away from Berk and the island he chose to stay on was occupied by the Screaming Death.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they become closer because next up is the film and they're officially a couple so maybe there will be a kiss or something
ReplyDeleteWhere the hell did you see the preview? I've been trying to find it for the second day straight, this is getting annoying now. Please repost a link. PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteYou know they are actually planning a third season, something called like Dragons Masters or Masters of Dragons. Saw it on Wikipedia.
ReplyDeleteWHERE DID YOU SEE THE PREVIEW?! I've been trying to find it for the second day now. I am currently sitting on my bed, and asking random HTTYD fans where they saw it. And now I mean as 12 o'clock in the night.
ReplyDeleteAll around, great episode in my book for sure, I wasn't watching it live and didn't see the teaser for next weeks episode, can we post that?
ReplyDeleteAre they going to be all grown up. P.S. Don't trust everything on Wikipedia.
ReplyDeleteHaven't watch the next ep preview yet but I know you definitely says all the truth about everyone's responds. I look forward to that Hiccstrid too, it's okay if there's not, and I look forward to Hiccup and Toothless vs Screaming Death :)
ReplyDeleteHere you go. http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/blog/post/dreamworks-dragons-defenders-of-berk-season-finale
ReplyDeleteohh thornado... :(
ReplyDeleteI see, if everybody cried on the end of this episode. ME TOO :'''(
ReplyDeleteI hope he comes back in the movie!
ReplyDeleteThat's true. And to think back to the first movie where he hated dragons and wanted them all dead. To now where he had a dragon of his own, and really did care about him enough to let him go to raise three young ones. Wow, what a change.
ReplyDeleteI think he would go back to tell them about the screaming death, I think he would have enough smarts to let them know the sd. Even though he was grounded.
ReplyDeletemee too... Thornado is my favorite character, i'm was soo sad at the end of the episode:'( :'( :'(
ReplyDeletefyi, this is because they want everyone to be able to see the second movie w/o having to watch the tv-series, so they just want to make everyone happy, otherwise there were 2 options, let Stoick have the thunderdrum in the second movie and just leave those who only watch the movie clueless of how it came there, or they could remove everything that they added in the series making the 1st and 2nd movie go well together without having to explain a lot of what happened, thats why they made Mildew join outcasts, to not make the serie-watching people go crazy about the movie not following the series etc.
ReplyDeleteBut i'm pretty sure you allready knew this stuff :)
I am pretty aware of that there is only little to none references from the series will be implemented on the sequel, however...
ReplyDeleteIf the sequel begins with Stoick already having a completely new dragon, it, too, will basically the same, especially if there are no further explanation beforehand. Therefore, Stoick having a new dragon or being with Thornado will make no difference.
Unless if Stoick receives a new dragon at some point later in the sequel, then I can relate to that.
Also, while Mildew will not be present in the sequel since he joins the Outcasts, chronologically, he's actually already around during the events of the first movie, although his character wasn't introduced yet at that time. Either Alvin, Dagur or Johann will not be possibly mentioned at all in the sequel. Gustav, being a resident on Berk, wll also not be around, unless if they decide to put any of them as a cameo... Anyway, I do hear for those who follow the series will acknowledge some easter egg in the second movie though...
I have not seen the episodes yet but its probably got to do with Thornado leaving, he will be missed he was my favorite dragon besides toothless.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot really depend on anyone to keep an eye on the twins, they always have a way to escape from everyone's supervision X3
ReplyDeleteYes :'(
ReplyDeleteI've also cried at rache to fireworm island and free scauldy :''(
Haha XD you're right :)
ReplyDeleteI don't really believe Toothless will die in the second movie. He's one of the main characters, also it's confirmed we will have a third movie as the last of the trilogy, it will be difficult to progress if Toothless dies.
ReplyDeleteBut I hear by the end of everything, all dragons will eventually gone, no clue what happened.
As for Stoick, he's probably will, either in this movie or the next.
No offense to you Hiccstrid lovers, but I'm totally against that couple! I mean I know oppostites attract but they are WAY to oppostite and I've counted 4 murder attempts to Hiccup by Astrid in both seasons. I'd rather ship Hiccup with mah OC(Valkrie).
ReplyDeleteIt can be anyone, but... as far as I know... Only Stoick who wears a helmet like that.
ReplyDeleteI heard that too, I don't think it's something big that you notice directly though, It's probably a bit more unnoticable, like a scorchmark from a typhoomerang or something, can be anything though.
ReplyDeleteIve seen the preview for dragons defenders of berk episode 19 cast out part 1 amazing cast out part 1 is going to be my favourite episode hiccup standing up for astrid soooooo cute awwwwww
ReplyDeleteIf you want to find the preview for dragons defenders of berk episode 19 cast out part 1 it's on youtube
ReplyDeleteI CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THORNADO IS LEAVING!!!!!!!!!!!! what about Stoick??? he now has no dragon...I feel sorry for him.
ReplyDeleteu make a very good point my friend
ReplyDeleteIKR! it's sooooooooooo cute!!! I think it is like Hiccup is saying:
ReplyDelete"U hurt my girl, and ur dead bro".
That is what I like to think.
Snotlout will N.E.V.E.R get Astrid, so I dont get why he is still trying...maybe the creaters wanted to have some fun.
ReplyDeleteIt was at the end of the episode when the episode aired on cartoon network. Literally like right after it, right before the credits. Thats why I never turn off my tv till the credits go. They like to sneak in those little previews.
ReplyDeleteBest shot would be taping some cartoon network shows, fast forwarding through them to see if they are airing it on there. Maybe look on youtube for it, but so far I don't think its on there.
Also by the looks of it cartoon networks channel isn't uploading half of the things dragon related that they used to. They used to get two or three clips and previews up for every episode, now you are lucky if you get one for every other one. Some they even skipped I think.
I'll take a look around for it. I will give you the link if I can find it.
ReplyDeleteI will try to find it and link it to you guys if/when I do.
ReplyDeleteomg I am ROFL-ing
ReplyDeleteGoing to try and find it and I'll give you the link if/when I find it.
ReplyDeletewow. Just, wow
ReplyDeleteHow did u watch it?!!? It doesn't come out till Wednesday 26th Feb.
ReplyDeleteIts on cartoon networks site here:
Season finale preview here
Season finale preview is here
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! omg I am ROFL-ing yet again for like the 3rd time! the screaming death dude it TOO funny
ReplyDeletehow the hell have u watched this already??!!??
ReplyDeleteAwesome thanks man!
ReplyDeleteNo idea, but probably not.
ReplyDeleteP.S I know not to trust Wikipedia, but so far it's been accurate for the series.
My fellow brothers and sister in dragons! I have found a link ... To the preview:
ReplyDeleteGo on animeflavor.com The new episodes are released the morning after the episode aired, I always Watch it there since I don't have Cartoon Network in Canada
ReplyDeleteBased on the trailer of HTTYD2, he seems to find a new dragon in the sequel
ReplyDeleteOh brother (or sister) Scorpian 6955, you have brought to us a gift that many of us shall rewatch many, many times. For this, I thank you. May your days be filled with joy and may your journey to Valhalla, whenever that may be, be a pleasant.
ReplyDeleteI just really want to see them have that moment where they become closer, like a couple closer
ReplyDeleteso sad that stoick doesn't have a dragon now though :(
ReplyDeletepoor snotlout!
ReplyDeleteNever ever will Snotlout win Astrid over!! Apparently in the season finale, it looks like he went a little too far.
ReplyDeletetotally but it's sad to see that momonent because it's so sweet
ReplyDeleteIt definitely sounds like something that Snotlout would do.
ReplyDeletefair point. But he didn't lose his temper enough to actually expel Snotlout from the academy.
ReplyDeleteI did this "what dragon are you" test and apparently I am a "Night shade"
ReplyDeleteDescription of it:
You are qutie a mysterious figure, and perhaps others find it hard to bond with you. You can be creepy, but you are super loyal to your friends. You are great at choosing friends, but sometimes you can find it hard to actually befriend them. Here's a tip: be abit more social sometimes! You'll get along better with Ice Dragons and Wind Dragons, but your really don't seem to get along with Eletric Dargons...
that "be a bit more social" thing, it might be true actually xD
link to the test: http://quizilla (dot) teennick (dot) com/quizzes/24227218/what-dragon-are-you
https://www (dot) facebook (dot) com/DracoArts
Also found this woman, she loves doing sculptures of dragons and painting etc, maybe we could ask her for a Toothless?
She is really good at sculpturing!
Bing, Bam, and Loyd took the heartbreak away from this episode. I can't believe Thornado left!
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! loving it already. ahaha, loving the "ur grounded" from Hiccup. what a legend!
ReplyDeleteHm, I never noticed that in the trailer but ok then.
ReplyDeleteIKR! its like, 'finally Hiccup! u r sticking up for ur girl'
ReplyDeleteCheck out what I did the other day it's Astrid!
ReplyDeleteI cried for like an hour! It has to be the saddest moment in the whole show
ReplyDeleteOMG I watched the preview thanks to the link u sent me (thnx btw) and Hiccup is SOOOO cute saving/sticking up for Astrid!!
ReplyDeleteOh ma Days bruv!!! >.< well excited
ReplyDeleteThnx I've seen it now
ReplyDeleteOh nooooooo!! I cannot B.E.L.I.E.V.E u jus said that. I mean...what the...why would u...r u I.N.S.A.N.E?!!? Why?!!? Jus, why?
ReplyDeleteUhuh girl! They r fighting over Astrid soooooo bad. And it doesnt help either the fact that Hiccup and Snotlout r cousins!! Althoug it is so B.L.A.T.A.N.T.L.Y obvious who Astrid ends up wiv...duh? U would have to b half dead not to figure THAT out.
ReplyDeleteIts when Hiccup and two other dragons with riders (what alot of people including me think it is Gobber and Stoick) and Stoick seems to be the one on the left, definately riding a dragon that isn't Thornado
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhh. Aw mate I am gonna have to watch the trailer for like 500th time already!! >.<
ReplyDeleteI couldn't stop laughing either. XD
ReplyDeleteThey created an orchestra of burping Thunderdrums.
That is why the twins are one of my favourite characters.
I have been waiting for some actual Hiccstrid in the second season ever since it was released. Come on the movie has a kiss, so does the holiday special, and not to mention the first season. It just wouldn't make sense if there wasn't a kiss in the second season.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the point of a love interest if they don't show any love?!
Just for the fun of it, I'm taking the last one.
ReplyDeleteNah, I don't think Snotlout is smart enough, even for that.
ReplyDeletehow do you watch this besides on cartoon network.
ReplyDeleteXD I've watched it countless times also.
ReplyDeleteMaybe these will help cheer you guys up.........