Berk's Grapevine

Some brand new "Riders of Berk" Storyboards!


And just when we thought we'd find no more storyboards, here's a batch from Matt Haber. With the show coming up this is probably the last batch but, hey, at least we'll be getting finished episodes instead of boards soon enough. And these actually look like they're from the first episode!

8/4 EDIT: I'm sure you all saw this coming, but they're gone. Hope you saw them while you could. 

Of course we recently learned that not every batch of boards we find makes it into the final product.

And stay tuned for the preview episodes of Riders of Berk which is exactly a week away from today (otherwise known as August 7th) at 7:30/6:30c on Cartoon Network! It looks like Episodes 1-2 will be airing.


  1. What a teaser!! I can't wait for August 7. :D Luckily we might be in a hotel then, and it will have Cartoon Network. (yes!!) Hey, by chance do you have a screenshot of the banner of your previous Berk's Grapevine website? I loved that GotNF banner. :( But the gang is nice too.

  2. I know! The Rider of Berk crew saw our August 7th preview for the first time yesterday, and they seemed excited. And of course, I save all of them! Here it is:

  3. Oh, goodie! Thanks for the upload. :) Disqus is great, you can post images like that.
    Wow, if they're excited we should be! :D

  4. Awesome!! I can´t wait for August 7th too, and also thank you for this spectacular information!! :)

  5. No problem. This was just kind of a lucky find though. (I do all of my best storyboard hunts at 1am). But still, just one more week to go!!!!!

  6. Woohoooo The new comments are FINALY working for me! :D

  7. GOOD GOD!?

    Is it just me, or have they VANISHED?

  8. The page is down, but the artist is still hosting the images on his WordPress account: ...up to MHaber18.jpg

    He hasn't deleted those yet or the images in this post would be gone too.

  9. This morning, the images here actually did blip out for a while too. GASP. Nice to know they're still around, though!
