Spoiler alert! This is a new clip from HELLO! TV showing the first meeting between Ruffnut and Eret on Eret's ship. Another video on dragon racing with a brief new section also showed up today:
Yeah! I love Ruffnuts reaction! xD btw: I uploaded it on YouTube because some people might have problems with loading the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ltqGN2GgaE
XD This is hilarious! I love Ruffnut's reaction to Eret. It's going to be funny seeing her chase him around! I like how Hiccup plays it like a salesman.
I'm not sure I really like the Ruffnut scene. I'll admit that it's sort of funny, but it's also way over the top in its presentation. One of the things I liked so much about the first movie was that it had some wit in the script without ever needing to rely on scenes like that.
I'm not gay either, I got my man and we both support gay rights. We're basically human rights supporters. =P
Yea, my friends (they're both dating, they came out two years ago) were so happy for this. They thought they would have to move, but since they were both going to college in PA (w/ scholarships) they thought they'd have to wait eight years for marriage. =P
I hate the world. Not you guys. I love most people. I just can't stand Racists, Sexists, homophobes, Terrorists(People still need to understand a terrorists aren't all bearded men in Turbans though) and people who are Stereotypical. That's why I hate the world. There's too much hate and not enough kindness.
Meh of course its not gonna be exactly like the first film it has different people working on it partly. I actually found it humorous and something that might fit well as kind of just a giggle. Maybe they did over do it but still; this movie is gonna be epic. It'll have more laughs, more drama then the first cuz like they told us it was going to be "more epic" and more of everything we love. And actually for a girl having her first crush on a good looking guy, I would assume that would be a natural reaction to be played out in ones mind, not actually done. But one of those things you just kinda day dream about doing, never having the courage to go up and worrying you'll say the wrong thing. It's adding humor to a very serious subject; relationships. Kudos. =)
I am glad I am not the only one looking forward to Ruffnut x Eret + Snotlout + Fishlegs. I am looking forward to a new type of relationship other then just Hiccup x Astrid. Don't get me wrong I love Hiccstrid loads, but something fresh is gonna be nice.
Don't hate the world, hate the cruel people of the world. We could be living in a clean, nice environment with it wasn't for racism, war, religion wars, etc. =( I have used to wear a headscarf (hijab) but I can't because of the racism it leads towards, no matter the religion...
My one friend's friend was stabbed to death because he was gay. =/
This is gonna cause people who are against this to prevent their kids from seeing the movie. I already saw people ranting on HTTYD 2 facebook "Don't take your kids to see this movie it has someone coming out in it!"
I know, and I don't mean it like that. I just wish that racism, sexism, homophobes, etc. would just fade out. I am glad that most people don't tolerate it nowadays.(Most, not all)
I know, I saw some comments and I was appalled. One guy said that if we allow this then they'll start having the characters do dirty things. He was complaining that he would be forced to tolerate it.
what the... its a kids movie for crying out loud.. I mean personally I like both men and women but I choose to stick with my man, my bf. Sadly people are gonna restrict their kids from seeing it if they are anti-gay.You'd be surprised how nasty, verbally and on the internet, people can be.
Sadly this is a choice that is gonna affect their ratings big time, as approximately half of america is anti-gay, I am pretty sure britian has a law against gays like out lawing them or something, (not sure if its true just know when a gay person from america came in winter olympics it was a big thing.. something my parents told me) , and its a very big world controversy.
For the last couple of days, I've been wondering why I haven't been so worried about spoilers, rumors, and arguments involving Dragons 2. Today, I realized what it was, I'm going through the "I Don't Care" Effect. This means that I no longer care about these things and I have prepared myself to take the movie for what it is. I explain it better over here:http://forums.berksgrapevine.com/topic/10282020/3/#new
It is still a very big issue. In america about half of the people want to outlaw gay marriage. Most of them being republicans. Democrats are the ones who are trying to bring about change. there was one guy who ran for president (a republican) and in his commerical he said he'd do away with Obama care and out law gay marriage.
I have no idea what animated movies this guy is watching, but he's clearly not watching the same ones we watch. I no problem with it, but I do think they shouldn't have let this leak for that reason. If they had been quiet about it, I don't think too many people would've caught on, certainly not kids. Now, they will either have to cut it out of the film, or simply pay the price for it. Neither way is easy. I don't think it was Britian, it might be Russia you're thinking about.
-facepalm- Yes it was Russia. My apologies to Britian, I am pretty sure they are an ally of the USA.
Anywho, ya... This is a dicey thing.. sadly I don't think cuts are really available to be made this late in the game. Its less then four weeks until it premieres.. And it premieres some where in Africa on the 5th.. (I looked up world release dates)
So with maybe 3 weeks until its released.. how are they gonna manage to cut it without making it look choppy and diced up?
Sadly they might have to just pay the price. If it hadn't been leaked then I am sure it would have been no big deal, but now that the word is out.. its gonna be a big thing.. The media will have a hay day with it and people are gonna react badly.
Sadly this really might affect how the ratings for HTTYD 2 come out, as many people won't let their kids go if there is that content in there. Seeing as how the primary audience is between 3-16 years old, I would think a majority of their ratings will go down due to anti-gays.
Sadly my brother predicted this movie might flop.. if they don't do something about this, he might be right.. all because of this.
That's really cool! I've never really listened to it in other languages, but I think I'll check it out. Sorry about that. I misunderstood what you had said.
Maybe but there will still be those who are anti-gay and refuse to see it because of that. Not sure how many people it'll be. I read through the comments and someone said "Gobber is gay.. my favorite movie sequel ruined... yippeeee"
You know, if people want to be stupid and miss out on what could be a great movie, then fine. They're missing out on a fun movie. And you know the saddest part about all of this? I doubt any of this will have an effect on the overall plot. It'll be one quick line, and it'll never be brought up again. So basically, people are going to miss this movie over something that won't even take up more than 15 seconds. On the bright side, it is one step forward for animated films.:)
Exactly! I have no idea why these people are commenting all this stuff on HTTYD2. Frozen had a whole gay family, and people said it made disney more progressive. And when HTTYD2 does that, its the opposite. I can't believe how deluded these disney-lovers are. Frozen was good, i accept it, but is way overrated. Personally, i feel the Forbidden Friendship sequence in HTTYD is much, much, much more emotional and breathtaking than the Let it Go one from Frozen. This is what is going to happen. If Gobber's sexuality is hinted extremely lightly, they are going to start Dreamworks copied after Frozen and made a character gay. I felt this was coming up right from the TV series where Gobber's dialogues hinted on that.
Ahhh whenever the Dreamworks logo comes on the TV I shoot up and just stare immensely into the screen. It came on this morning while my sister was telling me a story and I was like SHHHHHHH Its not important anymore!!!
How did they end up there in the first place? I understand that they ere there to find drago, but does this scene take place before or after the stormfly and eret clip? =)
It probably will be, but its not gonna be exactly like the first in the emotion range I am guessing. They are going for more laughs, more drama, more excitement. Lets hope they succeed. =)
Ok then I won't discuss politics.. but just so you know I am Christian, I believe in treating others nicely and with respect, and I try to do that as much as I can. Have a good day.
That bit where Snotlout goes to hit Astrid though :) I was wondering cause before we see Stormfly and Astrid super close to the water for no reason but now we see that she was dodging Snotlout :3
Well.... That's a bit disappointing :/. I'm still gonna see the movie but.... I think DreamWorks spoiled to much with all the clips and trailers. I (also) think if Dean didn't leak this news about Gobber I might not notice it but now I probably am. *sigh* Oh well what's done is done :/. I still will always love HTTYD <3!!! Also if they don't make a big show that Gobber is supposed to be gay then I think it'll be fine.Some people (Especially kids) might not notice it. The older people might but probably not the young.
LOL XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was laughing so hard at Ruff and Hiccup!!!! And who could forget about Toothless :D!!!! Haha XD! Loved how Stormfly kept retrieving Hiccup's sword XD!!!!
I don't know.... Good question. I think it's before. Because it's the first time Ruff sees him. In the Stormfly Fetch clip, she is begging Astrid to let Eret ride with her. So I think this is before. But what happens to finding Drago. They end up not finding him, get side tracked, then Hiccup is kidnapped?
I am really disappointed actually. This is really ticking me off. Why did they have to ruin it like this. I have to be completely honest here, I don't support gay rights. I'm sorry to those of you who do. But it just doesn't feel right for this movie, or any children's movie. *sigh of disappointment*
Let's all just take a moment to realize how crazy we are all going to be when that countdown reads 1 day..there is still 22 days left and at least 92% of us have already reached Dagur leveled derangeness
I don't know. I liked it because it was over the top and ridiculous. That's how the twins are so I thought it suit her. The first movie put a strong emphasis on hiccup and toothless who are both pretty reserved and subtle and there was a scene similar to this in the first five minutes of the first movie.
Ruffnut: That was cloooooooooooose... Me: Oh no, this is worse than Disney romance (sort of)! (I don't really like romance stories so I don't want anyone to be offended, I do like Disney but I prefer DreamWorks)
The Ruffnut and Eret Clip... I think Snotlout caught Hiccup, what do you think? And I think someone already has posted it here, but anyway ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFa3JbOLkys
Okay, tomorrow and Friday; totally worth it...even though I'm an animal activist (don't like killing of animals, I'm a nature freak, yes) the dissection of the perch fish and frog will...be worth it because my grade will raise four times up and the movie is coming. It'll be worth it. *(tries to convince self*)
Also, what the heck Sotlout?! Hiccup was about to be all awesome and you snatched him away. You also tore a few sails. *forehead slap* You are impossible.
I saw Frozen, and as far as I'm concerned, none of the characters were gay. My dad, my brother and I agree; that was nothing more than people speculating and making stuff up. Also, it did cause controversy, but since it wasn't really true, no one paid that much attention to it. For me, personally, I love Disney, DreamWorks and Pixar equally. All three companies make great films. I love Frozen, but it's nothing more than just a really good Disney movie. Personally, if these anti-gay people stopped talking about it, then no one's going to care. But now, people are going to want to see it just to know why they're complaining.
I think you don't understand... I need to create a new profile in Firefox because this one has some little bugs. But to create one I need to close Firefox and this site.... So I can't be here when I'm creating a new Firefox profile... Because it takes a bit to configure the new profile...
.... I don't see how its a big deal it'll be one line, that's it. It's not like its going to be a big part of the story. Just a joke basically. But if you're that much against it, just spare yourself ten bucks and stay home. =/
Everyone, I'm scared. What's gonna happen when the final movie of HTTYD is released? What's gonna happen to this site? What will become of our friendship? I don't want it to end!
ReplyDeleteXD Love this
ReplyDeleteI am the first to write the letter "A" here! :P
ReplyDeleteI love Ruffnuts reaction! xD
btw: I uploaded it on YouTube because some people might have problems with loading the video
ReplyDeleteWhew, I caught this early this time!
ReplyDeleteLMFAO "Taaaakke meeeee!" I lost it at Eret's muscles lololol
ReplyDeleteOMG Ruffnut XD
ReplyDeleteMy friends will probably burst out laughing in the theater (so will I) XD
ReplyDeleteLol. Stormfly catching Hiccup's sword like a dog xD Ruffnut's slow motion scene.
ReplyDeleteToothless pawing at the fire was so funny and cute
ReplyDeleteOMG Ruffnut scared the *** out of me!!! That was some scary weirdness!!! I'm going to hve weird thoughts on this now... O_o
ReplyDeleteO_O OMG Ruffnut scared the *** out of me!!! That was some scary weirdness!!! I'm going to hve weird thoughts on this now... O_o
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or am I starting to think Eret is hot? ._.
ReplyDeleteToothless and Stormfly are so cute! Toothless playing with the sparks, and Stormfly fetching Hiccup's sword!
ReplyDeleteRuffnut, I swear! It's like she invented fan-girling!
I love Gobber's Fire Insurance too!
I swear, Ruffnut is like me, if I were to meet Hiccup.
ReplyDeleteHiccup's smile is adorable...
ReplyDeleteThe "Dragon Races" Featurette Clip is on DreamWorks Channel now!
Yup..im deadXD
ReplyDeletewow......The first clip, how come I get the feeling that it was stoick's dragon who snatched hiccup off the ship?
ReplyDeleteif hiccup was watching he would probably say thats my future viking wife
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't. It's just the silly twins. Hiccup flew off as soon as they crashed into the sail of the ship. :P
ReplyDeleteXD This is hilarious! I love Ruffnut's reaction to Eret. It's going to be funny seeing her chase him around!
ReplyDeleteI like how Hiccup plays it like a salesman.
ah i see our hero and heroine have been captured together hiccstrid heh
ReplyDeleteAwesome :3
ReplyDeletegood to know
ReplyDeleteNah. Actually your wrong. It's Hookfang.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I really like the Ruffnut scene. I'll admit that it's sort of funny, but it's also way over the top in its presentation. One of the things I liked so much about the first movie was that it had some wit in the script without ever needing to rely on scenes like that.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It's funny but I think they over did it.
ReplyDeleteI was trying not to scream at Hiccup's ADORABLENESS AHHH THE FACE SLAP
ReplyDeleteHe slapped someone
ReplyDeleteOh, really? Hmm...im stupid :P guess we have to wait and see!
ReplyDeleteI really like this clip. He acts like a salesman to me.:)
ReplyDeleteFirst clip isn't loading for me.
ReplyDeleteHere it ishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Cb5r-jPU2s.
ReplyDeleteI laughed so much. xD Ruffnut...can't wait to see how this goes xD
ReplyDeleteIt Happened!!! It Happened!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat happened? :D
ReplyDeleteWhat happened? =3
ReplyDeleteFirst off, know that I don't discriminate. It's just slightly shocking.
ReplyDeleteRead this page.
Oh yeah, I heard about that. I think it's cool!
ReplyDeleteI heard about that! Also, PA legalized Gay Marriage Today! :D I told my friend (He's gay) about this and he was so happy to see it.
ReplyDeleteHey-o! How have you been doin'?
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Personally, I'm not gay, but I am anti-homophobic and pro gay
ReplyDeleteI'm not gay either, I got my man and we both support gay rights. We're basically human rights supporters. =P
ReplyDeleteYea, my friends (they're both dating, they came out two years ago) were so happy for this. They thought they would have to move, but since they were both going to college in PA (w/ scholarships) they thought they'd have to wait eight years for marriage. =P
I hate the world. Not you guys. I love most people. I just can't stand Racists, Sexists, homophobes, Terrorists(People still need to understand a terrorists aren't all bearded men in Turbans though) and people who are Stereotypical. That's why I hate the world. There's too much hate and not enough kindness.
ReplyDeleteMeh of course its not gonna be exactly like the first film it has different people working on it partly. I actually found it humorous and something that might fit well as kind of just a giggle. Maybe they did over do it but still; this movie is gonna be epic. It'll have more laughs, more drama then the first cuz like they told us it was going to be "more epic" and more of everything we love. And actually for a girl having her first crush on a good looking guy, I would assume that would be a natural reaction to be played out in ones mind, not actually done. But one of those things you just kinda day dream about doing, never having the courage to go up and worrying you'll say the wrong thing. It's adding humor to a very serious subject; relationships. Kudos. =)
ReplyDeleteThat's great! :D
ReplyDeleteWhile this is still an issue, I'm glad it's being more accepted.
I am glad I am not the only one looking forward to Ruffnut x Eret + Snotlout + Fishlegs. I am looking forward to a new type of relationship other then just Hiccup x Astrid. Don't get me wrong I love Hiccstrid loads, but something fresh is gonna be nice.
ReplyDeleteDon't hate the world, hate the cruel people of the world. We could be living in a clean, nice environment with it wasn't for racism, war, religion wars, etc. =( I have used to wear a headscarf (hijab) but I can't because of the racism it leads towards, no matter the religion...
ReplyDeleteMy one friend's friend was stabbed to death because he was gay. =/
Preach it. We need love in this world, not hate!
Welcome to my world. I don't understand why these people still exist. The world is changing, and there's no room for them anymore.
ReplyDeleteMe too! We're making progress. People can't seem to accept change. Some of it'll be bad, some good. This is a good change! =3
ReplyDeleteI like change.:) I always feel like it happens for a reason.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm so sorry.
ReplyDeleteDid they catch the murder?
I do hate the evil inthe world. Not the world itself.
Send my love and hopes to his family.
I'm doing great! I'm so happy right now!
ReplyDeleteWell, we can't eradicate them. If we do, then we're no better.
ReplyDeleteThis is gonna cause people who are against this to prevent their kids from seeing the movie. I already saw people ranting on HTTYD 2 facebook "Don't take your kids to see this movie it has someone coming out in it!"
I know, and I don't mean it like that. I just wish that racism, sexism, homophobes, etc. would just fade out. I am glad that most people don't tolerate it nowadays.(Most, not all)
ReplyDeleteI know, I saw some comments and I was appalled. One guy said that if we allow this then they'll start having the characters do dirty things. He was complaining that he would be forced to tolerate it.
ReplyDeleteYEA I got that vibe too :D
ReplyDeleteI don't believe they did. It was in the city somewhere...
ReplyDeleteI haven't talked to my friend for a long time, but I will keep in mind to do that.
That's great! ^_^ What's made you so happy? ^_^
ReplyDeleteDon't judge, but I'm listening to Let it Go... In 42 languages.
ReplyDeletewhat the... its a kids movie for crying out loud.. I mean personally I like both men and women but I choose to stick with my man, my bf. Sadly people are gonna restrict their kids from seeing it if they are anti-gay.You'd be surprised how nasty, verbally and on the internet, people can be.
ReplyDeleteSadly this is a choice that is gonna affect their ratings big time, as approximately half of america is anti-gay, I am pretty sure britian has a law against gays like out lawing them or something, (not sure if its true just know when a gay person from america came in winter olympics it was a big thing.. something my parents told me) , and its a very big world controversy.
For the last couple of days, I've been wondering why I haven't been so worried about spoilers, rumors, and arguments involving Dragons 2. Today, I realized what it was, I'm going through the "I Don't Care" Effect. This means that I no longer care about these things and I have prepared myself to take the movie for what it is.
ReplyDeleteI explain it better over here:http://forums.berksgrapevine.com/topic/10282020/3/#new
It is still a very big issue. In america about half of the people want to outlaw gay marriage. Most of them being republicans. Democrats are the ones who are trying to bring about change. there was one guy who ran for president (a republican) and in his commerical he said he'd do away with Obama care and out law gay marriage.
ReplyDeleteDo you think that listening to Let it Go in 42 languages is too much?
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what animated movies this guy is watching, but he's clearly not watching the same ones we watch. I no problem with it, but I do think they shouldn't have let this leak for that reason. If they had been quiet about it, I don't think too many people would've caught on, certainly not kids. Now, they will either have to cut it out of the film, or simply pay the price for it. Neither way is easy.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it was Britian, it might be Russia you're thinking about.
Is it too much to listen to let it go in 42 languages.
ReplyDelete-facepalm- Yes it was Russia. My apologies to Britian, I am pretty sure they are an ally of the USA.
ReplyDeleteAnywho, ya... This is a dicey thing.. sadly I don't think cuts are really available to be made this late in the game. Its less then four weeks until it premieres.. And it premieres some where in Africa on the 5th.. (I looked up world release dates)
So with maybe 3 weeks until its released.. how are they gonna manage to cut it without making it look choppy and diced up?
Sadly they might have to just pay the price. If it hadn't been leaked then I am sure it would have been no big deal, but now that the word is out.. its gonna be a big thing.. The media will have a hay day with it and people are gonna react badly.
Sadly this really might affect how the ratings for HTTYD 2 come out, as many people won't let their kids go if there is that content in there. Seeing as how the primary audience is between 3-16 years old, I would think a majority of their ratings will go down due to anti-gays.
Sadly my brother predicted this movie might flop.. if they don't do something about this, he might be right.. all because of this.
Ignore that, my computer bugged after something copy and pasted itself to my message.
ReplyDeleteThat's really cool! I've never really listened to it in other languages, but I think I'll check it out.
ReplyDeleteSorry about that. I misunderstood what you had said.
Maybe but there will still be those who are anti-gay and refuse to see it because of that. Not sure how many people it'll be. I read through the comments and someone said "Gobber is gay.. my favorite movie sequel ruined... yippeeee"
ReplyDeleteYou know, if people want to be stupid and miss out on what could be a great movie, then fine. They're missing out on a fun movie. And you know the saddest part about all of this? I doubt any of this will have an effect on the overall plot. It'll be one quick line, and it'll never be brought up again. So basically, people are going to miss this movie over something that won't even take up more than 15 seconds.
ReplyDeleteOn the bright side, it is one step forward for animated films.:)
"Yeeeaaaaa! Likeeeyyy!"
ReplyDeleteI just downloaded "Don't tap the white tile" and it's really addictive XD
ReplyDeleteExactly! I have no idea why these people are commenting all this stuff on HTTYD2. Frozen had a whole gay family, and people said it made disney more progressive. And when HTTYD2 does that, its the opposite. I can't believe how deluded these disney-lovers are. Frozen was good, i accept it, but is way overrated. Personally, i feel the Forbidden Friendship sequence in HTTYD is much, much, much more emotional and breathtaking than the Let it Go one from Frozen.
ReplyDeleteThis is what is going to happen. If Gobber's sexuality is hinted extremely lightly, they are going to start Dreamworks copied after Frozen and made a character gay. I felt this was coming up right from the TV series where Gobber's dialogues hinted on that.
i love both clips :D
ReplyDeletedah ...ruff's voice changed??but why??am i wrong?
she is a little more pretty now .isnt she?
omg that sounds so wrong. 'take me'. this movie better be PG13.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome for the Dragon Races clip! :D
ReplyDeleteMy plan is that instead of 'watching' each vid I just listen to the audio. XD It works for me at least.
ReplyDeleteAhhh whenever the Dreamworks logo comes on the TV I shoot up and just stare immensely into the screen. It came on this morning while my sister was telling me a story and I was like SHHHHHHH Its not important anymore!!!
ReplyDeletepls tell me is ruff's voice changed?
ReplyDeleteHow did they end up there in the first place? I understand that they ere there to find drago, but does this scene take place before or after the stormfly and eret clip? =)
ReplyDeleteHiccups inferno blade!!!
ReplyDeleteit releases hideous zippleback gas and is coated in nightmare spit to light up
that's wat I do when ever I see it
ReplyDeletethere's a pic
ReplyDeleteso refresh
No, she still has the same voice actor from the first movie but in the TV show she has another voice actor.
ReplyDeletethat scene was awosme
oo thnx
ReplyDeleteTV ruff ' s voice was awsome
haha what was toothles doing XD
ReplyDeleteIt probably will be, but its not gonna be exactly like the first in the emotion range I am guessing. They are going for more laughs, more drama, more excitement. Lets hope they succeed. =)
ReplyDeleteYup I agree. Sorry I logged off on ya had to go to bed.
ReplyDeleteplaying with fire
ReplyDeletelol..haha.i laughed at thisXD
ReplyDeletehahaha lol XD ( old..im posting again as before)
Ok then I won't discuss politics.. but just so you know I am Christian, I believe in treating others nicely and with respect, and I try to do that as much as I can. Have a good day.
ReplyDeleteThe second clip was kinda cool... but most of it we'd already seen.
ReplyDeleteThat bit where Snotlout goes to hit Astrid though :) I was wondering cause before we see Stormfly and Astrid super close to the water for no reason but now we see that she was dodging Snotlout :3
ReplyDeletetoothless........your adorable
ReplyDeleteWell.... That's a bit disappointing :/. I'm still gonna see the movie but.... I think DreamWorks spoiled to much with all the clips and trailers. I (also) think if Dean didn't leak this news about Gobber I might not notice it but now I probably am. *sigh* Oh well what's done is done :/. I still will always love HTTYD <3!!! Also if they don't make a big show that Gobber is supposed to be gay then I think it'll be fine.Some people (Especially kids) might not notice it. The older people might but probably not the young.
ReplyDeleteLOL XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was laughing so hard at Ruff and Hiccup!!!! And who could forget about Toothless :D!!!! Haha XD! Loved how Stormfly kept retrieving Hiccup's sword XD!!!!
ReplyDeleteAh man thats good. XD hilarious but A TINY (literally tincy) bit OTT -.-
ReplyDeleteI jus died AGAIN!! -.- (I now have...4 lives remaining.) so flippin awesome XD
ReplyDeleteDat voice tho! XD
ReplyDeleteOmg IKR! thats another reason I've jus added to my mile long list of why I love Hiccup. (literally...love XD)
ReplyDeletewth?! -.- XD
ReplyDelete♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ "oops! Almost forgot! *slaps forehead* can't have armed prisoners!!"
ReplyDelete*.* Ahhhhhh omg in love/heaven *.* ♥~♥~♥~♥~♥
Don't let Astrid find out...
ReplyDeleteYeah, I LOVE Hiccstrid, but seeing the others fumble through relationships will be fun to watch.
ReplyDeleteI don't know.... Good question. I think it's before. Because it's the first time Ruff sees him. In the Stormfly Fetch clip, she is begging Astrid to let Eret ride with her. So I think this is before. But what happens to finding Drago. They end up not finding him, get side tracked, then Hiccup is kidnapped?
ReplyDeleteAstrid: "How is this a plan?"
ReplyDeleteI was just a confused as her.
Yep! We finally have more information on this. It is much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThat's a really good idea, I should have thought of that rather than suffer O_o
ReplyDeleteI am really disappointed actually. This is really ticking me off. Why did they have to ruin it like this. I have to be completely honest here, I don't support gay rights. I'm sorry to those of you who do. But it just doesn't feel right for this movie, or any children's movie. *sigh of disappointment*
ReplyDeleteDO YA LIKE MA NEW PIC?!!? XD >o<
ReplyDeleteI know. If anything, the line wasn't even meant to sound like that. It was probably meant to be funny.
ReplyDeleteMy mum has a friend, and his parents hate their own son, just because he's gay. That's really sad.
ReplyDeleteLet's all just take a moment to realize how crazy we are all going to be when that countdown reads 1 day..there is still 22 days left and at least 92% of us have already reached Dagur leveled derangeness
ReplyDeleteWha-wh-what m-mak-makes yu-you s-say that?
ReplyDeleteputting up fanfiction today? :D
ReplyDeleteI don't know. I liked it because it was over the top and ridiculous. That's how the twins are so I thought it suit her. The first movie put a strong emphasis on hiccup and toothless who are both pretty reserved and subtle and there was a scene similar to this in the first five minutes of the first movie.
ReplyDeleteIt's done me wonders that for sure.
ReplyDeleteI love the bit where she says "TAKE ME!!" and Toothless is so cute <3
ReplyDeleteNot today, mycove said she couldn't get it to me today. She said (maybe) tomorrow morning (her time).
ReplyDeletesome things never change snotlout is still a fat asshole
ReplyDeleteYEP!! Gulilty as charged! :D :D
ReplyDeletethats 8-12 hours away
ReplyDeleteSame, I'm a total weirdo with my friends at the moment, the good thing is one of them I as crazy as I am.
ReplyDeleteRuffnut: That was cloooooooooooose...
ReplyDeleteMe: Oh no, this is worse than Disney romance (sort of)!
(I don't really like romance stories so I don't want anyone to be offended, I do like Disney but I prefer DreamWorks)
The Ruffnut and Eret Clip... I think Snotlout caught Hiccup, what do you think?
ReplyDeleteAnd I think someone already has posted it here, but anyway ^^
Where did u find it
ReplyDelete@itchyarmpitisland, you got that right.
ReplyDeleteOkay, tomorrow and Friday; totally worth it...even though I'm an animal activist (don't like killing of animals, I'm a nature freak, yes) the dissection of the perch fish and frog will...be worth it because my grade will raise four times up and the movie is coming. It'll be worth it. *(tries to convince self*)
ReplyDeleteI know, I know...:)
ReplyDeleteBack now from work, which means I have time to read the chapter, and come have a chat ! XD
Dagur level derangeness?
ReplyDeleteI already exceeded it... About, let me quess, since years (or was it my whole life?) xD
Hi! xD
ReplyDeleteHi ! What's up ?
ReplyDeleteLoved the Stormfly thing. I think fetching now refers to people and fancy swords.
ReplyDeleteAlso, what the heck Sotlout?! Hiccup was about to be all awesome and you snatched him away. You also tore a few sails. *forehead slap* You are impossible.
ReplyDeleteyour rite! I got scard there for a min
ReplyDeleteI saw Frozen, and as far as I'm concerned, none of the characters were gay. My dad, my brother and I agree; that was nothing more than people speculating and making stuff up. Also, it did cause controversy, but since it wasn't really true, no one paid that much attention to it. For me, personally, I love Disney, DreamWorks and Pixar equally. All three companies make great films. I love Frozen, but it's nothing more than just a really good Disney movie.
ReplyDeletePersonally, if these anti-gay people stopped talking about it, then no one's going to care. But now, people are going to want to see it just to know why they're complaining.
two words AWESOME!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI believe this happens before the Stormfly clip. This might be one of their early encounters with him.
ReplyDeletethanks it wont let me watch it on my phone
ReplyDeleteAn invention by Hiccup named after me. I`m honored! :`)
ReplyDeleteThat's fine.:) I had to sleep too.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It could've meant anything.
ReplyDeleteMy birthday is 8 days before the release of the movie. I`M WILLING TO SELLOUT MY BIRTHDAY FOR AN EARLY RELEASE!
ReplyDeleteMan, they weren't kidding when they said the animation would have "more jiggling skin." XP
ReplyDeleteHey, if they have the technology, why not use it xD
ReplyDeleteOh hello! Thanks for going over my story when you did! Really helpful :D
ReplyDeleteXD It's fantastic! It's just weird to watch skin jiggle like that.
ReplyDeleteRelease of the movie in the USA? So on 5th June? I'm flying on 5th June to the USA xD
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome ! It was awesome !
ReplyDeletehello :3
ReplyDeleteBut for the female Fans it's not bad, is it? xD
ReplyDeleteGood evening my ever-awaken friend XD
ReplyDeleteYeah, but for us dudes it is a little disturbing XD
ReplyDeleteWell, for this we have Astrid :P
ReplyDeletenot so ever awaken next week XD (28th is usually when we get sun all the time, now we have 1 hour without sun D: )
ReplyDeleteCan someone help me?
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to create a new Browser Profile without closing the Browser and leave you xD
I can barely imagine that !
ReplyDeleteNot so much for having the sun ALL day, but for the fact that, the more light you get, the more you sleep ! XD
No, I can't, sorry ! (what is he talking about anyway ?) XD
ReplyDeleterightclick on the browser in the bottom to the right of "start"
ReplyDeleteit will say "mozilla firefox" or something, just click on that option
XD I can't even... XD
ReplyDeletedaaaaaarkneeeeeeess XD
ReplyDeleteI think you don't understand... I need to create a new profile in Firefox because this one has some little bugs. But to create one I need to close Firefox and this site....
ReplyDeleteSo I can't be here when I'm creating a new Firefox profile... Because it takes a bit to configure the new profile...
See above ^^
ReplyDeleteWhat the h.... A Volo Logo with a moose? xD
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm a woman, and I still find it a little weird.
ReplyDeleteI saw one clip of Fishlegs's skin jiggle, and it gave me nightmares. O_O
Well, this is a difference... xD
ReplyDeleteVolvrarri XD
ReplyDeleteNight Fury !!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletego to this site on ie
ReplyDeleteIf even Nightshade can't help you, there's no hope here ! XD
ReplyDeleteYour next car ?
ReplyDeleteI misunderstood him, I just thought he wanted a new browser up XD
ReplyDeletewhy don't we talk about fabrics and chiffons instead, I'd feel better ! XD
ReplyDeleteNow that's a cool car!
ReplyDeleteno, I'm aiming for a Chrysler 300c :)
ReplyDeleteIE isn't a save browser....
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't want to talk about Chrome... ^^
I'll never understand why you don't want to use chrome XD
ReplyDeletesince you seem to like apple-related things, use safari XD
WTF?! Apple-Related things?!
ReplyDeleteI hate Apple o.O
Orange then? :(
ReplyDelete(I think mycove gets this XD)
.... I don't see how its a big deal it'll be one line, that's it. It's not like its going to be a big part of the story. Just a joke basically. But if you're that much against it, just spare yourself ten bucks and stay home. =/
ReplyDeleteit looks like a sports car to me, is it a sports car?
ReplyDeleteEveryone, I'm scared. What's gonna happen when the final movie of HTTYD is released? What's gonna happen to this site? What will become of our friendship? I don't want it to end!
ReplyDeleteI, know right?
ReplyDeletewell toothless will still be cute