Check out this amazing presentation that shows a new Hiccup scene, reference shots used to created moments in the final film, and a demonstration of Premo! Check out the shot progression at the end of the presentation which shows how storyboarding, rough layout, reference shots, and motion capture fit into creating a shot in the film!
Thanks, haddockofberk!
Thanks, haddockofberk!

And I was just about to go to bed... how could I now ??? XD
ReplyDeleteThis looks awesome! :D
ReplyDeleteThe hiccstrid scene
ReplyDeleteWow, this is amazing.... And I laughed too much at the acting part XD
ReplyDeleteWho've seen httyd2 😄😏
ReplyDeleteWho watch httyd 2?
ReplyDeleteNever mind, I see it
ReplyDeleteIt's on the white screen in the front of the room. Part of the guy's presentation starting at 0:47.
ReplyDeleteHey guys i havent been on for weeks ugh im starting school in 2 weeks 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😞😞😞😣😣
ReplyDeleteAnyone else having trouble posting
ReplyDeleteWhooah 8D
ReplyDeleteSimon is the best :D
ReplyDeleteStoick: "RUN!"
ReplyDeleteValka: "No! Don't!"
Was it just me, or did that get annoying?
Hiccup: "Yesterday, when we flew together, um, its like I got back something I didn't know I lost....but that's the part I'll choose to remember"
ReplyDeleteMe: AWWW!
I don't know why but that makes my heart melt.
Anyone knows where that scene when Hiccup says "Yesterday, when we flew together, um, its like I got back something I didn't know I lost....but that's the part I'll choose to remember" would be put if it ever made it to the final cut?
ReplyDeleteJust curious :)
Maybe on Stoick's funeral or after they defeat drago?
ReplyDeleteThey SHOULD have put it in the movie. It would be one my top fave quotes of Hiccup from the 2nd movie.
ReplyDeleteI love how the animators are so into this world as much as the fans are. :D But of course they made it so I guess they had to. XDDD
ReplyDeleteIt didn't get really annoying, but I was a bit tired of hearing it, yes XD But the scene itself never gets old :3
ReplyDeleteOr maybe Hiccup was talking about Valka? They flew together when it was dragon feeding time and Hiccup got Valka back in his life when he thought she was already gone.
ReplyDeleteHmm... You're right! So I guess he said that in the ending part of the movie? Just think; Astrid/ anyone in the gang will ask Hiccup what he feels about his father being dead, and he tells them that.
ReplyDeleteYeah! :D I really hope that scene will be available to watch in the DVD when it comes out. :)
ReplyDeleteAgreed! :D
ReplyDeletefinally a new post (;
ReplyDeleteFaint i'm so happy
ReplyDeleteIt was funny to see the animators and actors acting out certain scenes for references. Also, 'Everything has a character'= I see the world differently now.
ReplyDeleteHey guys!!! Okay, I don't have time to watch the entire vid, but could someone quickly tell me what times the different scenes are at? Thank you soooo much!
ReplyDeleteRandom: Incase some people don't have FB or the art book, lemme show this to you:
ReplyDelete“We changed Astrid’s haircut, which can really change the look of a person. She was difficult because her changes were so subtle.” –Nico Marlet, character designer
(I love posting pics we should have a Gallery!) :)
ReplyDeleteI want to reenact my favorite scenes, kind of like what the actors did. Me and my friend should try doing them. XD I must tell her! That would be so fun. We loved the movie, so...I dunno. But I can't help but burst out laughing at some of the scenes the actors and other animators did. Especially those two men who hugged (Astrid and Hiccup) xD
ReplyDeleteHey BGviners...
ReplyDeleteI don't have time to scan the entire vid for the scenes everyone is talking about. If someone could please respond with the times to jump to, it would be very much appreciated. BUSY BUSY!
Thanks guys!
Oh, yet according to angry youtube reactions (pre trailer days), Astrid's cheeks alone were too anti-subtle in change! When I saw her cute round redesign, I worried a little. But nothing felt more liberating from that thought than when she leapt from her speeding Nadder, stole the black sheep from the twins then jumped back on Stormfly to perform even more stunts to the winner's circle! It was awesome! And the following hicstrid scene was the icing on the cake! "Not now, I have a whole day of goofing off to get started!" lol [snickers like Tuffnut]
ReplyDeleteI don't speak english very well, so I don't understand almost nothing. Anyone can write what they are talking?
ReplyDeleteAww... Do you know here that deleted scene is? I've been looking for it everywhere?