Here's an interview with Dean DeBlois and sound designer Randy Thom about what it took to create the sounds of the dragons in How to Train Your Dragon 2!
With its diversity of dragons, How to Train Your Dragon 2 has a lot of opportunities for great sound momenents. Sometimes, getting a sound that matches a dragon requires recording and mixing real-life animals. Other times, it requires Randy Thom.
Thanks, Aty S Behsam!

Please read the new commenting rules, which go into effect today! Nothing special, just codified commenting etiquette. You can read the latest version at any time in the wonderful red rounded rectangle above!
ReplyDeletePlease don't take this the wrong way but.... why???
ReplyDeletethis used to be a family like community now it is something people will just check to see if there are any new dragon news
I feel like not letting us talk to each other is like taking away our instincts to talk and be kind to people. I am not going to rebel your rules i just feel that not many other people will join. and we are already losing people
i still love this site though so great job!
Hello, I'm new
ReplyDeleteHi, I feel the same way that's another reason why I left but I read the rules and one of them was not to say hello or goodbye to anyone and people already do that so... I don't know. I told God_dragons_love that I would come back on because I couldn't say no to her. I'm sorry for causing all that trouble, I didn't mean to. When I'm upset about something, it just makes me act... oh I don't know, different. I just wanted more time or for Icelandic to send me the roleplaying so I can make it into a story so sorry everybody. :(
ReplyDeleteWere all humans and humans make mistakes and humans forgive and i am sure everyone does forgive you
ReplyDeleteYeah but in a way it is talking about dragonsy because my videos are basically all about dragons and IcelandicEel, I saw your video that you made on YT for if that was actually you and I liked it. And ok we can talk about something else.
ReplyDeleteGive me Hiccup's name in Swedish.
ReplyDeleteUm... am I supposed to know this because I only know spanish and english.
ReplyDeleteIt's Hicke
ReplyDeleteHiccup's other names are
It's alright! :) But IcelandicEel, why can't people say goodbye or hello?
ReplyDeleteWere you banned? And hello!
ReplyDeleteYay! I believe that's what it said in the rules so yeah but I do like this site a lot and even if I tried staying away from it, I doubt I would have been able to.
ReplyDeleteYes, I was Dragon Pride, but now that I know the rules, I'm hoping I don't get banned. Also, Hi, Lizzie
ReplyDeleteNo, you can definitely discuss things with each other, but you have to be inclusive about it. Your comments are just as much a part of this site as the article above it. Imagine you're a new visitor to this site (or someone from DreamWorks) and you scroll down to the comments. What would you want to see? What would make you want to participate in the conversation?
ReplyDeleteThe best comments are those that are part of meaningful discussions, which encourage people to join in and share their thoughts, rather than using the comments as a disposible chat room. One of the reasons I created the forum was to allow members of the community to chat and have off-topic discussions. Disqus is not made for that, nor is this part of the site. I love talking with people here, but it's very difficult when you have to wade through disposible comments to get to interesting discussions.
By "disposible comments," I mean ones that I can delete and no one will notice. I've been doing that for months with exactly the types of comments that I have listed in the rules, and no one has noticed. I just want to make it clearer that these kinds of comments will be deleted on this site, as they are on virtually any other commenting platform on any other site. The rules are really commenting etiquette codified, rather than anything serious (other than spoilers or piracy).
ReplyDeleteHey Louis! So you were banned?
ReplyDelete@IcelandicEel Why can't we say goodbye or hello? And could you create a new post for roleplaying? I can't think of a better word for it... um, like when you post dragon news, it's a brand new topic.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info and I will follow the rules!
ReplyDeleteLike I don't think you're allowed to say anyone on or stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteWell, I can still get on, but I can't comment.
ReplyDeleteHow come? I thought Max only deleted your comments?
ReplyDeleteBut 'How come' is why I'm asking.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just a stage of the deleting process.
ReplyDeleteIs it strange that I want to tear up? The music, even in just this interview, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
ReplyDeleteBecause it's irritating to have to read though all of that? It's commenting etiquette. Kind of like you wouldn't throw paper airplanes at a fancy restaruant. Paper airplanes are fun, but there's a time and a place for them. Similarly, chatting with other people is fun, but it's not the kind of interaction one expects in the comments section, nor is it what Disqus was designed for.
ReplyDeleteOkay, understood. So what about the topic for rping only?
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to make one. If you want to RP on this site, you should head over to the forum.
ReplyDeleteI've always been curious about the sounds of the Dragons, especially Stormfly. It would be fun to do this kind of job, with the soundboard. xD The tigers...I'd never go near one though xD Even if they were in cages.
ReplyDeleteYou should ask Ice
ReplyDeletePlz no.
ReplyDeleteOkay, well thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteI have a suggestion for the forum: The reason I don't like it for roleplaying is because you have to create a whole new post. On Disqus, you can quickly post your reply. Maybe you could find a program similar to Disqus but made for chatting, that you could make into a topic on the forum? Thanks for your time! :)
Why not?
ReplyDeleteI see. I understand, too. I'm going to have to keep these rules up on a new tab. I suck at remembering things. ;-;
ReplyDeleteBecause I don't wanna be banned again. Also, I'm happy as Saviour.
ReplyDeleteYou know what I'm surprised about. Is how IcelandicEel hasn't posted anything about dragon toys being featured in McDonald's happy meals.
ReplyDeleteJust to make sure we are NOT allowed to talk about anything How To Train Your Dragon 2 until after August 1st? If so sorry about my earlier comment.
ReplyDeleteHaha, maybe I should make a dragon toy compilation post where people can submit their McDonalds (or other) dragon toys.
ReplyDeleteThat was pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteThat Sounds great!
ReplyDeleteYeah! I have everyone except Cloudjumper and Barf&Belch
ReplyDeleteIt's fine! A lot of countries have release dates in July, and I don't think people should be expected to see it on the very first day. There are probably lots of people in the US who haven't seen it still. I'm thinking after August 1, 99% of people who want to see it will have seen it, so it's okay for people to talk about spoilers openly on this site and on the forum. There is, however, a spoiler-allowed community on the forum if you want to discuss spoilery parts of the movie now.
ReplyDeleteSo, I just saw a Scauldron toy, but apparently, since I'm 15, my "mommy" wouldn't buy it for me ;(
ReplyDeleteThanks I saw your comment about reading the comment rules and said "let me post this one thing and then i'll read it" oops.
ReplyDeletelol sorry! BEG HER!
ReplyDeleteWell earn some money. that always solves problems.
ReplyDeleteI did, and when she said okay, some idiot had already bought it.
ReplyDeleteIs this not the best soundtrack in the film?
ReplyDeleteI feel ya, bro. xD
ReplyDeleteNope! not at all! I cried because of the soundtrack during a part in the film!
ReplyDeleteHe's not an idiot if he likes dragons!
ReplyDeleteSo true.
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool!
ReplyDeleteAre there any action figures of the other characters? Like Astrid, Valka, Fishlegs, the twin, etc...
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy movie soundtracks, but the Dragon tracks have been the first to give me goosebumps.
ReplyDelete@IcelandicEel is there a way you can set up a bar on the right side of the screen indicating who is on site that way we can chat without saying hello?
ReplyDeleteI cried during the trailer XD
ReplyDeleteI don't think he wants us chatting at all, but there is a Dragonchat in the forum I tried out yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThat would be awesome
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! (Internet out DX)
ReplyDeleteUm... sorry
ReplyDeleteSaw this yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThe Vikings are awake, dragons too,
ReplyDeleteThere' endless possibilities of what to do.
The things we will talk of just endless.
For months I've waited for this day,
Thinking "Why do they stay away?"
And now finally, my wishing has been blessed.
There'll be actual people about.
It'll be totally strange,
But, oh, how long I've waited for this change.
'Cause for the first time in forever,
There'll be trollers on the sight.
For the first time in forever,
I will comment through the night.
Don't know if this feeling is joyful,
But I'm feeling oh so fine
'Cause for the first time in forever,
This won't be a Ghostvine.
Did you come up wit that? lol XD
ReplyDeleteReally nice, I almost forgot about Ghostvine :P
ReplyDeleteYep, just picture Astrid singing it, oh, and try to continue it.
ReplyDeleteHaha! I'm looking forward to it ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat ever happened to Hiccdew Forever?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Hiccdew Forever?
ReplyDeleteI am scarred for life
ReplyDeleteOn YouTube around 11:20
ReplyDeleteHi, I noticed you subscribed to me on YT, thank you.
ReplyDeleteSo, Now that my HTTYD 2 craze ended, what will I do with my useless life.
ReplyDeleteAwe Louis don't call your life useless.
ReplyDeleteAh, finally... My question has been answered. I always fascinated by the dragon variations. Not only HTTYD has a wide variety of dragons, but they also ensure that no dragons have the same vocalization with another dragon species, and this what makes the dragons in HTTYD universe unique :D
ReplyDeleteRandy Thom did a good job designing these voices. I assume at the Itchy Armpit part, where Hiccup said "What? You want an apology?", Toothless seemed to say "Yeah". I bet it's his voice, modulated.
I would love to have these dragons ringtones. I also didn't hear clearly Hotburple (Grump) vocals.
FYI: There is now a chat on the forums, I don't know if you have to be registered on the forum, but I doubt so!
It's a new chat, just want to say thank you to IcelandicEel who made this :-)
Happy 4th of July Grapeviners!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteHTTYD 2 just premiered in my country today. i watched it with my friends, i dont want to spoil it for anyone, but for those who havent watched it yet should go watch it cuz its awesome!!! :O
ReplyDeleteNo prob. It was my way to say thank you for your tips. (and I love your videos !!!!!)
ReplyDeleteI love this!!!! the parts with the vocals the jingle bells make it sound like a christmas song!
ReplyDeletethat was great! its interesting to know where they get the sounds from but i was really hoping they would mention how they get that sort of screeching sound toothless makes when he is getting ready to shoot fire.
ReplyDeletehaha love it!
ReplyDeleteThe other day i mentioned that the fire worm queen was taken off the dragonpedia, today it was put back on along with the snaptrapper.
ReplyDeleteI wish... I have no creativity whatsoever... You?
ReplyDeleteYeah I want to submit one but i don't have a scanner so i am going to see if i can borrow a friend's.
ReplyDeleteI think they changed some of the stats on the fire worm queen.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good. :)
ReplyDeleteOooh. That makes sense. I really need to get on there more.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like they add a new dragon every Friday.
ReplyDeleteOk. I still think it's weird that they changed the Nadders and Zippleback classes.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think they changed them so that because tracker class sounds cool and they wanted more than just the Rumble horn in the class
ReplyDeleteYeah, that explains the Deadly Nadders, but what happened to the Fear class?
ReplyDeleteBeats me.
ReplyDeleteYeah, oh well. :(
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I finished book five (how to twist a dragons tale) and ordering book six. You?
ReplyDeleteeh, waiting on pin and needles for book 12. What did you think of it? I know books 5 & 6 were two of my favorites
ReplyDeleteIt was good, a little out of my age range though (i am 15 XP ) i like the part with the fire dragon. What part did you like?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I know the feeling (14). but I loved the Windwalker.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what is going to happen with him (do not tell me please)
ReplyDeleteI won't ;) But he doesn't come back til book 8, if I remember correctly.
ReplyDeleteNoooooo, I was really hoping to hear more about him sooner than that. How many books are there?
ReplyDelete11 core books currently, two side. The final book (12) is due anytime.
ReplyDeletenice.... I heard that this book is supposed to explain why the dragons are going back into the sea.
ReplyDeleteYes, it will. I'm so scared.... Aren't the movies going to end the same way?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I am interested how they are going to tie the movies to the books when they do not have a lot in common. Do you have a theory on why they are leaving?
ReplyDeleteYeeees... But I'm sure I can't post it here. If I'm right, it will spoil everything. But you'll know by book 9.
ReplyDeleteok, yeah no spoilers till August 1st.
ReplyDeleteNo, not so much for Dragon 2, more like the end of the trilogy and all the books. :P
ReplyDeleteoh...maybe i don't want to hear them XP
ReplyDeleteNo, I didn't think so. ;) What do you think happens to the dragons?
ReplyDeleteSeveral ideas but non of them have any to back them up. It would be cool to have a follow up series that the dragons return in present age.
ReplyDeleteYes! That would be great! a book about "The heroes of the future"
ReplyDeleteYeah it would be interesting to see how they would relate to the modern or future world.
ReplyDeleteYou should write a fanfic about it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe, I think i want to read all the books before i do that,that way i get the stories lined up
ReplyDeleteYeah, that would probably be good. After book 8, things get really complex. Every little thing that happened before all ties in.
ReplyDeleteWow, it seems that almost everyone on this site is between the ages of 13 to 17. I thought I was one of the younger ones. xD
ReplyDeleteYeah. I got to go. I am going to delete this comment so i don't get in trouble.
ReplyDeleteSame. See ya!
ReplyDeleteThere are also a few college students. but yeah there are quite a few teenager.
ReplyDeleteHey, can I have your YouTube channel name? I would love to check it out. xD
ReplyDeleteHaha, that's awesome.
ReplyDeletexD It's kind of awesome. :D
ReplyDeleteI wan't to ask a question about the Thunderdrum and Timberjacks of HTTYD 2. Don't worry this is not a spoiler if you have watched the trailers.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if Timberjacks and Thunderdrums are pack dragons. Because in the teaser trailer it shows Hiccup and Toothless flying through a pack of Thunderdrums ,and in the trailer they fly with a couple of Timberjacks. In the Book of Dragons from the first movie it says Thunderdrums are reclusive dragons, and in the Timberjack chapter it gives a couple of fact's about it's razor sharp wings. And i know that in Riders of Berk how to pick your dragon Hiccup and Stoick find Thornado protecting another Thunderdrum.
On the Dragonpedia in the Timberjack section it says "Native to dense, wooded areas, Timberjacks are acutely sensitive creatures that prefer the peace found in their beloved forests". In the Thunderdrum section it says nothing about solitute or anything of the sort, so i have no idea what to believe.
Also as a side note, in the the Night Fury section of the Dragonpedia it says a Night Fury's shot limit is 8 but in the series and movies Toothless fires alot more than just 8 shots. Just an observation i don't know if other's have thought of this or i am just overthinking things.
Please reply if you know something i don't, because it has been on my mind for a pretty long time now.
I know nothing really of Timberjacks, besides what was in The Book of Dragons, but yes, your right, it says "This reclusive dragon inhabits sea cave and dark tide pools." I noticed Toothless' inconsistent shots, too, in Gobber's Training secrets, it was stated that his shot limit was 5. But also take into consideration that Deadly Nadders and Zipplebacks were moved to different classes, the latter's former class (Fear) removed completely. My guess is DreamWorks makes small changes without thinking of the observant fans.
ReplyDeleteThanks had to get that one of my chest. But i still can't stop thinking about the Thunderdrum and Timberjack thing :(
ReplyDeleteNo prob. I understand, I've had many a bothersome question regarding this fandom. Here's one : in the trailer, why were the Thunderdrums bigger than normal? It could be just me, but...
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are older than Thornado, but that dosen't make sense because Toothless also grew since the series i don't know but good observation on your part
ReplyDeleteThanks. Maybe...I highly doubt there would be that many Titan Wings in one place and time.... Maybe they're a sub-species? Odin knows.
ReplyDeleteOr Dreamworks is just keeping their mouth shut for some surprise later on. But the sub species is a pretty good theory especially since they adde the Hotburple's
ReplyDeleteThat's very possible. And yeah, Grump is in the Gronckle family so it makes sense that Thunderdrums might have extended relatives.
ReplyDeleteThe 12th book is called 'The incomplete book of dragons' and I think it already came out last june
ReplyDeleteIt might be something else like a list of all dragons.
Whatever it is, its on the httyd books website.
So, what do you think the short for HTTYD 2 will be like?
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere that its about Dragon Races.
ReplyDeleteHey, you on HTTYDForever101?
ReplyDeleteBy the way i remembered something about the tv series. When you watched them did you notice that Toothless's tail never retracted when he was flying alone unless it was plot related.
ReplyDeleteI heard that to.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds cool. I hope we get to see Toothless and Hiccup wearing the red paint.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if a httyd2 holiday special will be made
ReplyDeleteThose are very good points and i myself have tried to figure out certain things about dragons also but i just want to put this in perspective, both the timberjack and thunderdrum only had brief cameos in httyd2 for all we know both timberjacks and thunderdrums are pack animals just out hunting and if not then maybe its mating season and all the males and felmales gather to mate and raise young, like with penguins or bears.
ReplyDeleteYou really insuted me just now
ReplyDeleteim 11
ReplyDeleteAny more news about the third season?
ReplyDeleteWhen Fishlegs said "I'm okay!" in the movie, I was hoping he'd say "less okay!" afterwards.
ReplyDeletexD Fail.
This is really cool. REALLY COOL.
Yes! It was so annoying!
ReplyDeleteI just heard it would be on Netflix in the spring. Hope that helps :)
ReplyDeletehaha! guess i'm not the only one :P
ReplyDeleteLol! Guess not...
ReplyDeletemanagements :P
I didn't think of that thank's but i still want to keep it up and keep trying to find out more about them
ReplyDeleteThat was impressive
ReplyDeleteSo I'm trying to learn how to read piano music, and I am sucking at it. HELP! XD
ReplyDelete@IcelandicEel is there anyway to recover a password for the Fourmvine?
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm sorry, I was talking about McDonalds toys.
ReplyDeleteGlad i could help :)
ReplyDeleteYou're finally back! Why did you actually go, because you never turned up to Dragonmeet London even though you said you would! D:
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely my favorite track. <3
ReplyDeleteHey, guys. Httyd, in MINECRAFT
ReplyDelete:D That looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteHey guys just got finished with my t-shirt design contest entry, you can find it here:
ReplyDeleteDid you make this?
ReplyDeleteSound effects are just absolutely amazing. I envy and respect all sound designers. They have to go out and find the sound they're looking for if it isn't already there and even if it is, just modify it to match the creature/object/person etc. Just brilliant. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteAwesome job!
ReplyDeleteAwesome job!
ReplyDeleteI really hope that sometime in the future we get a glimpse of hiccup and astrid's kid(s) i know there are only going to be 3 movies and only 1 more special( thats what im assuming) but it still would be great to have some closer after the 3rd movie
ReplyDeletei wish the riders of berk comic was on youtube ive only seen a page of it hiccup gets captured and astrid trys to save him from alvin
ReplyDeleteI just herd one o the rudest lines Gobber said in Dragons history!
ReplyDelete(He says this episode 2 of DoB)
"You know what I always say, 'Pound it wile its hot!'"
I'm sorry, I had to get that out there!
Don't get me wrong I like the song Where No One Goes but I kind of wish they would have kept the Beyond The Clouds song that they had during the teaser trailer when Hiccup and Toothless are flying. Beyond the Clouds was just more moving for me during that scene. Plus having a song that had lyrics while during the movie just seemed out of character because usually all of HTTYD's music is just instruments. Does anyone else agree or understand what I mean?
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way, Beyond the Clouds was a beautiful peice that fit every scene perfectly. To me "where no one goes" was a song i felt was unnescesary to put in the actual movie but rather just save it for the credits. I could make my own tweaks to httyd2, putting beyond the clouds in would be one of them. But to fully answer your question, yes i agree with you 100% and yes i understand clompletely.
ReplyDeleteI do understand you, but the lyrics gave me chills. I liked it better than Beyond The Clouds. But that's just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI don' know if I'm just too young to get this but, what does that mean? XD
ReplyDeleteYea I understand and its still a good song just not what I was wanting during the movie, I'm glad it worked for you though :)
ReplyDeleteThere's a riders of berk comic???? :O
ReplyDeleteWhat about For the Dancing and Dreaming?
ReplyDeleteThat had lyrics.
Yes thank you! I like Where No One Goes but it fits better as the credits are rolling, I still listen to Beyond the clouds on Youtube and fall in love with it every time and wish it was apart of the movie
ReplyDeleteYea but the actual characters were singing that one which made it seem more realistic
ReplyDeleteIm no movie director but something ive learned from observation is that lyric songs in a movie can be a hit or miss; take that part from shrek when they played halleluja for an example, i dont know about you but i cried during that scene. I guess my point is that when a scene is very emotional or slow going a lyric song would be nice but if its just a happy, heart pounding scene i personally just want to enjoy it and not try to understand the lyrics. I guess it all depends on the situation in the movie. (For the record i think halleluja or an old norse song would be a good alternative for stoic's ship)
ReplyDeleteIt was just one of those scenes that i just wanted to enjoy and not be interupted by singing
ReplyDeleteI wished they played Beyond the Clouds at the end of the film while they were flying around.
ReplyDeleteSo... Anyone on?
ReplyDeleteHey, (sorry icelandiceel I know you said not to say like hi or goodbye but is it alright to say hey?) um... you want to go to FB?
ReplyDeleteI am
ReplyDeleteYes my thoughts exactly
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this! I love SoundWorks <3 And everybody in this video.
ReplyDeletewwaaaaaaaaaaaaauw nice
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad the "Where No One Goes" track was still being mixed during the (rushed) First Five Minutes Trailer. Now I have to say that I like both versions, but here's the thing: "Beyond the Clouds sounds a tad bit hollow and serious for an adrenaline-fun sequence, and it's a commercial song that gets used in other trailers. Just think if that became the next Han Zimmer horn BWOOOWM! sound!
ReplyDeleteIt needed a fast song, not an epic one, and there is a certain balance between playfulness and seriousness that is still being set up during this part of the film, a chance to say that they are not gonna ham you down with the battle as being the single important plot point. There is also the neat soundscape as Hiccup opens his wingsuit, and that's not meant to feel too dark and big. They've clearly skydived countless times before.
I'm not saying that it is the perfect song (still more fitting to the movie lyrics-wise than in the first film). But I think "Beyond the Clouds" would need to build up to "the world got a whole lot bigger" line, not follow after it, if the dramatic feels of it were to fit that scene. I'll always have problems with lyrical songs and I still feel challenged when I try to figure out how to accept Jonsi's experimental rock/ synth&voice soundscapes/ falsetto vocals, but I still enjoy them personally. So that's my take on this after numerous prior listenings and warming up to the song.
I thought the Timberjacks were Typhoomerangs! Great to know they were in the movie.
ReplyDeleteDid you have to post that
ReplyDeleteI put it on replay and it played too many times, so now my mom hates it :(
ReplyDeleteBut I still love it :D