Hello again! Long time, no dragons! Despite the lack of dragon news, there are still some cool things coming up on this site, as well as the dragon world in general. Here's an update on what we know will happen in the near future.
How to Train Your Dragon 2 is coming out on DVD and Blu-ray on November 11, 2014 (Including a 3D Blu-ray version!). Also included is a mysterious short called Dawn of the Dragon Racers. So far, we have heard very little about it, other than a cover released just recently:

If you look closely, you can see that Hiccup's left foot will grow back for this short! This is not the first hint at the foot regrowth plot point in dragon promotional images. Although it looks like Hiccup will have to redesign his saddle, because Toothless' prosthetic tail fin is still there.
How to Train Your Dragon 2
It's been two months since How to Train Your Dragon 2 was released, and it's not doing too badly! Currently, Dragons 2 is only $4 million behind Dragons 1, which made $495 worldwide! (No thanks to U.S. fans, who accounted for only a third of the worldwide gross.)
Dragons 2 Movie Stills
A ton of How to Train Your Dragon 2 screenshots have been put online on Mtime, some of which are directly from the movit, perfect for collecting images while waiting for the DVD!
DreamWorks has trademarked many strange things over the past few years, and this is one of them. It's unclear how (or if) it's related to How to Train Your Dragon. All we know is that it's a mobile application. Thoughts, anyone?
Can't wait for the Dawn Of The Dragon Racer XD
ReplyDeleteLol I was just about to post the opening comment, and when I saw that you did, my first thought was: DAMN YOU TO HELL MOTHERF*CKER!
ReplyDeleteNo offence :D
Lol I was just about to post the opening comment, and when I saw that you did, my first thought was: DAMN YOU TO HELL! No offence :D
ReplyDeleteStart the timer for the blu ray release and Dawn of The Dragon Racer
ReplyDeleteIt is kinda ridiculous that he grows his foot back, Hopefully it turns out to be only for the promotional image(s)
ReplyDeleteFailed dragon designs?
ReplyDeleteplug dj anyone?
ReplyDeleteI think that was sarcasm being written in the description. Everthing from Hiccup's bangs to his foot is on the wrong side. Except Toothless' tail. Looks to me like the designers got lazy and just mirrored most of it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's what I think is going on. His hair is supposed to flip toward the other side. I can't tell if Toothless' (non-tail) body is flipped as well or if it's just Hiccup.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone notice how shiny Toothless' teeth are?
ReplyDeleteIt is done! Almost 90 days, though. Now I'm sad.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to learning more about the short.
ReplyDeleteIt's coming out on my birthday!
ReplyDeletethis short should be good i hope dragon racing is in the new seasons of dragons
ReplyDeleteI knew about this last month
ReplyDeleteHolbblegrunts are in SoD
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I think the regrown foot theory is just a goof on the designers part on the poster but that's what I've been reading from on this site and other places. As for how well HTTYD2 is doing in theaters..... GODDAMMIT fans what's wrong with you people? We were wanting a sequel since the moment after we saw this first one and this is how you repay DreamWorks? They can't keep up if we don't give them the praise and attention they deserve.
ReplyDeleteOn the said note with the new images. They look AWESOME! I love how crisp and clear they all appear to be. If this movie doesn't get the Oscar for best animated film for 2014 there will be riots I tell you. Riots!
Hey I went to see it twice and I'm a USA fan. So please don't bash guys. It was all I could afford. I plan to buy the DVD and Blu ray combo, too. As far as I know, most grapeviners are from foreign countries (other then the USA).
ReplyDeleteI know, I'm not trying to bash the fans, just the general public who got crazy in 2010 but now in 2014 it feels like no one is caring about that stuff anymore. I've seen it four times and already pre-ordered the movie on iTunes and the blu-ray so I'm pumped up.
ReplyDeleteOh no, I'm just poking fun at us US fans in general, I know you're cool. :) Also I checked Google Analytics to check and here are the top countries from the last month:
ReplyDeleteOh no, I'm just poking fun at us US fans in general, I know you're cool. :) Also I checked Google Analytics to check and here are the top countries from last month:
ReplyDeleteOh thank Odin, you're right. It wouldn't make any sense if Hiccup's foot, back, but Toothless's tail fin didn't.
ReplyDeleteDoes that tell us how many are seeing the films?
ReplyDeletePffft, the cover for the short is inverted XDD I seriously thought they were actually going to add his foot back for a moment .-. Wtf XDD
ReplyDeleteSadly, they're limited time only...
ReplyDeleteIt appears to be a flipped version of one of the promotional renders. I've attached an example image.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I can see, paint was added, Hiccup's arm position was changed to gripping a sheep and the prosthetic tail fin was flipped to the correct side. Nothing else was changed though, hence the mistakes :/
Nice, I was hoping someone would find the original! I bet they made the changes with Hiccup and Toothless, re-rendered it, and then flipped it instead of having to redo such a cool pose in the opposite direction. And maybe Photoshopped on the tailfin in the background.
ReplyDeleteI think the image may be inverted, or he just put a boot over his fake leg! xD I saw an image in the concept book and he was sitting in a corner trying a boot over his prosthetic. It was so adorable and dorky. xD I'm excited for this short! it'll be awesome! ^_^ November, please come faster! I mean, school is terrible but I need this DVD. ;-;
ReplyDeleteOkay. I just hope this image is inverted, or maybe Hiccup decided it was time to use a boot over his prosthetic. I saw on Tumblr, someone posted a small picture of Hiccup from the concept art book for Dragons 2 and he was sitting, trying to pull a boot over his fake leg. It was dorky and cute. :3 These images are awesome, and as I downloaded them they already came named apparently, and the one of just Hiccup in the forge said "Hotcup" and I burst into laughter. xDD
ReplyDeleteAlso happy to see a timer or the DVD release! I was wondering if you were going to add that. c: It helps count down the days! Someone already has a timer for HTTYD 3. ;-;
Can't wait for this short! It sounds amazing. :)
*New comment, other deleted by me. :P
ReplyDeleteAs of today, the Box office: $500,080,877
Woohoo we succeeded HTTYD
I highly doubt they would go through the effort of going to the actual model and leave out such important details XD They may as well have asked Simon Otto to make a new pose for the cover.
ReplyDeleteI speculate that they simply stitched together several parts of pre-rendered images accordingly. I recall that sheep being in other promotional artwork.
*does some promo searching*
Aha, gotcha! As for Hiccups arm, it looks conspicuously like the one in this attached image XD Same hand gesture, perspective and everything. Lighting and hues were changed appropriately of course, and messy joints hidden behind the sheep :)
I seriously cannot fathom what is wrong with (other) US fans. I mean, I went six stinking times, and most of the time the theater was almost empty. Kinda a shame... because it was such an AMAZING movie, I wish everyone would have seen it that I know. Oh well, at least the rest of the world is more sensible :D
ReplyDeleteOh, and thanks a lot for posting stills! I am dying for art references.
ReplyDelete@IcelandicEel Also, you might want to note that the welovefine HTTYD2 tee shirt contest is open for rating. That is pretty cool, and some GREAT entries have been posted. I'd be excited to wear a lot of those designs.
ReplyDeleteI speculate that Toothless' non-tail body was mirrored. Why? Well, the directors seem to enjoy giving animal characters asymmetrical ears (the cute factor they used for Stitch). The poster shows Toothless' left ear as being higher (less pushed back) than the right. But on the image below from the first film, the opposite is true. But since his nodes (which grow on only one side of his chin) are not shown, I can't confirm this. Hmm... perhaps his eyebrow ridge can tell. There are more matured scales on the left in this poster, but in the film, I actually can't tell; they keep darkening, covering, water-glossing that area in every other available image. Sorry for the long comment. First comment ever, finally.
ReplyDelete[:>o} [:>/} !!! [:>)}
What... in November? I thinked that would the dvd release would be in October... oh well, at least November will be a month full of dragons ;)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I can't wait to watch "Dawn of the dragon races"! I love the cover! :)
"I can't tell if Toothless' (non-tail) body is flipped as well..."
ReplyDeleteWell, his under-chin nodes aren't there to help us, and his eyebrow ridge ( with different stages of scales) keep getting shaded or water-glossed in the available shots from the 2nd movie. So here's another possible hint: The "ears". The directors seem to have a knack for animal characters who pose their ears asymmetrically for cuteness (like Toothless and Stitch). The poster shows his left "ear" as being taller (less pushed back) than his right, but in the image below of Toothless from the first movie, it's the reverse. His tail was most likely integrated after the fact. image from fanpop.com.
Yay! Poland is not in "Other". It makes me so proud ;)
ReplyDeleteI CAN"T WAIT!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know right? I saw it four times and most of the seats were empty too.... of course I went during the afternoons when people were usually working or late at night. So that could be my own fault, I don't know. XD
ReplyDeleteI'll post about this!
ReplyDeleteSix! I saved up for a year to see one screening at the multiplex, then a smaller one-movie theater later because it was cheaper. In the multiplex, there were only three other groups, but in the small theater, it was half-full. So, I suppose some Americans were inclined to only go if there were in smaller theaters- in my case, the one that shows one 4-year-old film three times a week and waits for the multiplexes to remove the Dragon 2 slot to show the film. Personally, I enjoyed the lacking crowd and got more into the movie in that large, empty theater, but there was hardly any hype for the film anywhere in town. Went to NYC on its release and they were advertising Earth To Echo, but not one poster I found that weekend for dragons! It seems I'm one of the few new US fans the film received over the years, according to box office, month one. Otherwise, most fans saw HTTYD five times and only saw HTTYD2 twice if lucky. [inaudible groan]... [cueing a minor-key music score in 3, 2,1]
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not offended by your comment. Sadly I didn't get the 3D screening that might have finally changed my mind about the medium. After a disappointment with Frozen's 3D (only an arrow and a saw came off the screen and only two inches out), This was my very last chance to test the theater: Was it a projector issue or was that the actual 3D? And I missed it. And seeing how IMAXes are expensively rare and DreamWorks has yet to plan re-releases for any past movies, I might never see HTTYD, the film whose cinematography was so awesome, I felt I was on a roller-coaster even on a Youtube screen, in genuine 3D as you most likely have. So what did the 3D look like? How much popping out, floating debris/ashes, depth, and vertigo (look it up, a great concept!) did you see and how did they compare with others? Unless 3D drops cost two years later for HTTYD3, I may never "experience" the answer to that.
Yes, I'm a methodically slow ranter on the cusp of thinking this, but I need to know if I was missing that something when I bought the 3D ticket and saw a 2D screening (screen was larger in height than Frozen, another key to possibly more engulfing 3D had it been 3D). I enjoyed the movie, but it broke me two months ago to realize I missed the one opportunity to experience legitimately good 3D. I mean, 3d (3D looked like a happy emoticon to me when I used it).
Wait, POLAND?! I'd have never expected that! :D I'm glad the country I was born in has such big fans XD
ReplyDeletedragon fans httyd2 crossed the half billion mark so i guess dw was worried for nothing and if kids really were that upset over stoick's death then they should watch mufasa's death even clayton's death from tarzan is very dark he got hung i repeat he got hung thats extremly dark even for disney standards
ReplyDeleteCant wait!!!
ReplyDeletelook what i found in walmart its hiccup with his old saddle!
ReplyDeleteWait, Walmart is already selling the dvd?!? D:
ReplyDelete25 minutes? That's a very long short!
ReplyDeleteAh yeah, I actually have a few really good friends who could only make it to the theater twice. It is odd (and sort of sad) how little hype it received, but I didn't mind the empty-ish theaters either! Trust me, I needed them! I cried a lot in every viewing of that movie! I really only wanted the theaters to be full so that other people could enjoy such an incredible film.
ReplyDeleteAs for the 3D, I did see it in IMAX 3D twice... and in my opinion it was worth it! HTTYD had some really great sequences with it (like when the ash is falling after the Red Death's explosion). HTTYD2 was in no way a let down! The 3D in the flight sequences made the dragons look like they actually took up space in the screen and it added a lot of depth and realism to the whole world (haha! Yes, there was plenty of vertigo!) In some sequences, the 3D was so good, you kinda felt like you could reach out and touch Toothless! There were not a ton of things shooting out of the screen, but that really was fine. A few arrows, some cannon balls, some bits of ice... but the real appeal of the 3D was the deep, immersive environment it created. I mean, in one scene, when Toothless is gliding beside Hiccup (who is using the flight suit) Toothless's back base wing is fluttering right in front of the viewer, while his head looks very distant. It just made Toothless feel *real*, like he was actually taking up space in the sky and he was a long, beautiful dragon... not just a set of images. It really was cool... and it added a lot to the film. It squeezed you through tight places, spun you through the sky, shot fire and ice at you, and barely let you avoid massive dragon tails! Now, I am personally a big fan of 3D, and I watch it frequently, so I notice a lot of stuff because I am looking for it... I don't know if everyone else would be as happy with the 3D (because it isn't something that just jumps out at you). The beauty of both HTTYD movies' 3D is that in both movies it added so much depth you felt like you could step out of the theater and into the world of the film. It is an immersive experience... not so much a display of how much stuff they can get to shoot out of the screen. Anyway, that was my opinion of it :D
ReplyDeleteIn Clayton's death, he is a villain, and Tarzan tries to save him. It is very dark and grizzly, but the kid's don't really care about Clayton.
In Lion Kind (which is much worse emotionally) Mufasa is killed by Scar who everyone knows is a villain, so everyone is mad at him and sad for Simba.
BUT in HTTYD2, the awful catch is that Stoick (who we have grown to love over two movies) is killed by Toothless. Every kid in that theater LOVES Toothless, so to see him go so dark and vicious is really disturbing. In my opinion, HTTYD2 is one of the darkest kids movies I've seen (in just the theme of Toothless being the one who kills Stoick). I mean, the character everybody loves winds up being the one who kills the kid's dad! It is pretty shocking.
Haha, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I was glad HTTYD2 wasn't designed particularly with kids in mind! It really felt like Dean was pandering more to the teenage fandom, and that made me happy because we got a really deep and serious film. I wouldn't blame kids for being upset, but I also don't really mind! If it upsets them, that is a shame, but it is a price worth paying for the sake of the amazingly mature story HTTYD2 displayed. It would have been a much weaker tale without the darkness that the director was brave enough to display, so even if (imo) it is worse than Mufasa or Clayton, it makes it a fantastic, unrivaled movie!
Wha~! It's already being sold in Walmart?
ReplyDeleteI just realized how hypnotizing Barf's diamond paint is in the poster!
ReplyDeleteWhen I see that timer start, I can't help but think about that line from Shrek: "The deed is done! Now remove your helmet." Now the "Dragons have arrived" sign will come back, at the turn of the tide!
ReplyDeleteNow is $535,517,593 ^-^ :3 HEEEY
ReplyDeleteYou mean with the peg leg? The picture doesn't enlarge well (raster graphics for the internet, they're never made to be enlarged post-publicly). Great Dutch-Tilt on both covers, but did they change the water into grass? I mean, sure the water was questionably placed and distracted me had the color not blended well (Fishlegs and the Thorson twins standing on deep-blue water), but now I can't help but find that island and where it is in the Barbaric Archipelago. Cartoons fascinate me in that way, I always want to see what each building and rock behind those hills were, and I'd love to see wherever they are on the poster show up in the next movie.
ReplyDeleteThe slit eyes and robotic turn of the neck when Toothless "witnesses true strength" is the most threatening image in the movie! It sums up any creepy moment where a narrator moderately and monotonously dwells into a "what if" subject. [shudders]
ReplyDeleteAs for the movie's four-quadrant appeal, "We don't make movies for children. That is a misconception. We write movies for ourselves. We try to think about what images would excite us if we were to pay and see this movie. Then we write a story around it, hopefully in a way that doesn't exclude anybody in the audience." -Chris Sanders and Dean Deblois on FX Movie Download: How to Train Your Dragon
Hopefully I'll find another movie that uses 3d depth for depth. The problem for HTTYD3 is I'm supposed to be in college by then. And I'm X times more into this canon that anyone else in my family. Not to mention my enjoyment of animation in general has always felt tested, but I've always felt more attached to it. Thanks.
ReplyDeletelook at what hiccups holding on his left arm
ReplyDeleteI thought that was snow, not water.
ReplyDeleteI was referring to the theatrical poster for the movie on the water-floor subject. Too blue to be snow, but any water that blue has to be deep, lest we see the sand of the ocean floor.
ReplyDeleteI can make out the sheep on the DotDR one, but if you refer to the feature film cover, I can't make out anything.
ReplyDeleteIf there's anything a Pixar fan knows, it's waiting. My whole year used to revolve around waiting for the next Pixar film, one film a year, and after surviving the break in 2005, I don't think I'll crack anytime soon. I have to wait till sales drop to get it, anyway. So, I've been in similar wake as you are in with the waiting, but I shall wait. One advantage I had of being late on arrival to seeing HTTYD was that the DVD was much better than the original DVD (I have the 2-disc one with the slit cover of Toothcup in the moonlight and the Arena Spectacular promotion). Still, I'll see about getting this HTTYD2 DVD so long as there's deleted scenes and making-of footage on it. Recently I've been disappointed by modern DVDs. I mean just look at all the stuff they used to put on them!
ReplyDeleteEver since Blu-ray (post 2006), they've been cutting them down to just 3 bonus features. I live for bonus features! Hope I won't have to wait for a special edition of HTTYD2 to get them. [sighs] Once upon a December-:
What A Comeback! Makes me wonder what happened in the first month! Alright, I know what happened: It went International a month after USA release! [:<0)}
ReplyDeleteSeeing as you seem to really like the film, I run a rather in depth blog on the subject (analyzing the movie, giving opinions, doing digital art, writing stories...), so if you wanted to check that out, you might like it!
ReplyDeleteThe address for the blog is: toothlessnightfury.blogspot.com
Ouch... did you have to avoid spoilers, or did you just accept them as they came? I had a hard enough time dodging spoilers, and I live in the US!
ReplyDeleteMark of true fans is noticing details like this :)
ReplyDeleteI've been reading comments on the Chinese site Gewara.com--it doesn't seem to bother the Chinese kids at all.
ReplyDeleteOne reason I had to avoid commenting on this site earlier was because I indulged spoilers (except act 3) After seeing the wingsuit, Valka, and Toothless' spikes, I worried a little. Same Issue with the "See You Tomorrow" montage in the first film. But seeing how I still was excited for the movie, I decided to test my enjoyment of animation once more by exposing myself to whatever lingered against the world's believability (You can thank Ice Age 3 for doing this to me). And there are 4 things I discovered along the way:
ReplyDelete1. Valka returned and secretly became the first dragon protector because that is what Hiccup emotionally needed.
2. I could trust Chris Sanders to know the right tone to play such bizarre images; and I could trust Dean Deblois with that, too, for Toothless' spikes.
3. Drago stole a Bewilderbeast egg sometime before burning the Chieftains' meeting and raised it with abuse (I like to think he lost his arm while raising it).
4. Don't stich up how you expect the scenes to go. I say this because while act 3 was great, the other two acts were too stark. At first I thought act one was fast and act 2 was perfectly paced because I didn't expect them to meet Eret first (would've meant an overload of going back & forth between Berk and the sanctuary). But a month later, I saw the movie with a more refreshed mind and the pacing was reversed (Opening was well-paced and act 2 felt more rushed)
Still the ending battle got me more invested than the one in the first film, and any doubts I had about the teens falling for Hiccup's conquerings in the ring were resolved in the TV series. Got to see a movie without sinking my heart at unexpected "Ughs" for the first time and I thoroughly enjoyed my experience once I had "point 4" in check. And that's my sixpence. Whew!
My goodness, thank you for that lovely comment! :O
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! Saw your analysis of the soundtracks and Drago and left a comment or two in both, in case you look at comments from your older posts. [;>)}
ReplyDeleteI didn't enter the site for 2 months. But it wasn't easy at all.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone notice the shadow in the right side of the poster down near those 2 trees it looks like valka in a way please tell me im not the only one It really does look like someone in the snow and also why does hiccup have his leg back it cant regrow back that's impossible isn't it I mean toothless bit it off so how also I love his peg leg xxx
ReplyDeleteyey UK third lol its so bug here we love it xxx
ReplyDeleteYes, I do reply to comments on older posts! I was probably just asleep when you left them. I plan to get back to them when I can, but my schedule is busier than usual. Thanks for looking.
ReplyDeleteAnyone hear about the second and third comics coming out in the next few months?
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how the makers of httyd 2 made it without a single drop of blood
ReplyDeleteCall it the "Dragon-mark"!
ReplyDeleteInteresting! It kinda bugged me, but I'm really attached to the characters. It is funny how many people I know (who were not huge fans) who have come up to me and told me that they cried! Anyway, I could understand it going either way with kids. I'm sure it would really bug some of them... the ones who love Toothless's cute antics, but then at the same time... it isn't really graphic, so I don't see any reason why kids shouldn't see it. It might not appeal to them... but it isn't supposed to be a fun scene! It is supposed to be powerful and lead into even more powerful and dramatic moments in the film, so I personally am glad they were bold enough to do it. I aged up with Hiccup, and I am glad to say that the second movie aged up with me! It's such an amazing film.
ReplyDeleteah.. so you know about the riders of berk comics http://michelle19862.tumblr.com/post/90202511340/just-a-page-from-my-riders-of-berk-graphic-novel ive only seen this awesome page
ReplyDeletecorrection: It's foreign box office. U.S. is the domestic box office. Their combined revenue is what amounts to the wordwide gross. HTTYD2 has been closing here in the U.S., but being the native country for most of the production and the studio still has to mean something.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Dragonflopter is a site where they post images of helicopters with dragonfly wings [/:>9)} (currently offline)
ReplyDeleteI think your right about the teenage fandom thing, I mean more than half of us on here are older than 12
ReplyDeleteHey guys! I'm still play/reading the DreamWorks Press Dragons story but I think I'm stuck in Book 1 until I can give my dragon a name. I finished all the parts but I haven't named the dragon and I don't know how. Can you give me some advice please?
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't my comments coming on this site anymore? :(
ReplyDeleteI really can't wait to get HTTYD2 in Blu-ray and then see Dawn of the Dragon Racers (and HTTYD2 again of course)! ^_^ And the short is about 25 minutes? Wow, that's more 5 minutes than in "Gift of the night fury", I guess! :D
ReplyDeleteI agree with the part of "November will be a month full of dragons", I can see why! :D
ReplyDeleteTo me, a movie that can make you cry has succeeded in touching you.
ReplyDeleteHTTYD2 certainly touched me! Whew, in more ways than one! Such a great movie...
ReplyDeleteI think there are two things that killed the movie money-wise. One was the whole Gobber issue, and the other was the movie being leaked. If DW kept their mouth shut about Gobber and if the movie did not leak, it might've done better.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad he died fighting. That's how a true warrior should go.:)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see people are starting to come back to the site.:) I stopped checking it after I saw the movie.
ReplyDeleteBTW-Hiccdew is on DeviantART now. We are doomed.
It's Toothless Tuesday! I guess Boombasher is taking its bimonthly break today. And good thing, too, because its been storming the county since the season I first arrived here. May night summon it not, please.
ReplyDeleteAnd new ones, like me, come in as well!
ReplyDeleteNow let me clarify this... jarring insight. HICCUP AND MILDEW!!
No! If they ever add an "Old Wrinkly" into Hiccup's family, it better not be that cantankerous treach! Sure he fathered a whispering death, but we know he betrayed Berk for that one change to their lifestyles: the dragons!
On the plus side, I could go on about why I enjoyed the Ruffnut love square, but that would be a long review for the time being.
Icelandic No. NO! Hiccups foot doesn't grow back, that's just plain silly! It could've been a slight error Dreamworks didn't notice! Hiccup's foot was lost 5 YEARS AGO!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that if his foot were to grow back (if it actually was possible) it would be back by now. Come on Icelandic, you should be smarter than me, Ha!
I think he's just joke'n.^^
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to some Hiccstrid in the new short! Anyone else? XD
ReplyDeletethe riders of berk comics have good hiccstrid to very good http://michelle19862.tumblr.com/post/90202511340/just-a-page-from-my-riders-of-berk-graphic-novel
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you. I think I might have seen his photoshop pictures back when I was waiting for the film (I couldn't join through my Microsoft address at the time). Some with toothless' head on a small human body, I suppose it was. Somewhat evil and somewhat wacky! Quite a relief Mildew didn't join Berk in the second movie; that would be a lot to take in when we had just got the jist in the season finale of DoB ("...and Outcasts your allies"- TV Alvin).
ReplyDeleteAs for the love square, a few of the things I loved about it is that, as the only eligible "maiden" (she's a tomboy), all the other teens have to drop to their low and vie for her. The funny things is, she's not their type, everyone knows it, and there's nothing they can actually do about it. And then when she finds a crush (Eret), he doesn't want the affection (also Eret is an antihero, not a bully like they have in the romantic comedies). And when she is revealed to have very shallow desires [:>)} --(SNICKERING)-- she resolves back to the love triange ridiculously easily, and nothing gets resolved. Long story short, It might not even have an ending, and there's that sense of desperation for someone under their league that makes the situation feel fresh. I thought they were going to find Heather for Snotlout (Sneather) and another for Fishlegs. Tuffnut would probably refuse to marry after being stuck with Ruff since birth and so he can stay reckless. I sure would like to see him sneak his Typhoomerang in if Ruff ever has a honeymoon!
I think what was bugging the kids in the screenings I attended wasn't Stoick's death, and wasn't so much Toothless's part in it, but was the volume of screaming around the episode, and especially the fact that Hiccup was screaming at Toothless! I think the volume itself and the fact that Hiccup had turned on Toothless right when the dragon was at his most vulnerable, was too much for the little tykes. Really an intense scene.
ReplyDeleteNo kidding! Man, and then when you think of it from poor Toothless's perspective. Ugh. Yeah, but at the same time Hiccup's emotions and reaction are completely believable... I really do feel I would have acted much the same... and I'm a far less honorable person than Hiccup. But, yeah, sad all around. Loud screaming, very effective camera usage, a disturbing scenario with a tragic outcome... it is a pretty intense moment for a kids film. But the way it was used in the story was incredible... even if it did leave me feeling like a puddle at the end of the film!
ReplyDeleteI always thought it way a throw-in line (improvised by Ferguson), and I don't recall DreamWorks confirming Ferguson's statement. It has no effect on the story other than to keep Gobber single by will (conveniently in the generation where he passes his ancestor Bork's notes to Hiccup) and to ensure he cannot replace Stoic as Valka's husband (I recall a fight over it ensued when they first met, according to Defenders of Berk). No, I can't agree with that movement and its cause, but I feel it would have helped if the critics and big moviegoers kept mum about it as opposed to highlighting an approval for that line. I don't think it scars children that hard; I mean, it's a very broad, ambiguous double-entendre when put exclusively in the context of the film, interviews ignored. It just needed a random extension to bring the character back into surprise subtly while still keeping the line funny in an awkward manner (an abrupt end on "married" with that comic-relief-telling-a-forced-in-joke tone of voice would have made the scene feel scripted when it should have been tense, a problem I have with Blue Sky Studios).
ReplyDeleteYeah, his stuff is actually pretty funny. In a way, I kinda wish he'd come back.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the whole thing is really funny.
I have a love hate relationship with countdowns, but It actually feels good to have another countdown on here because I feel like I now have something to look forward to. After I saw the movie and post were slow on here I was like "now what?" So yay let the countdown commence :)
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know when the t-shirt designs will be chosen? I found two really beautiful ones that I hope wins....
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the short!
ReplyDeleteYep! I totally need more Hiccstrid in my life :D
ReplyDeleteDon't we all X)
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for Dreamworks to make a short about how Stoick and Valka met, and it shows them going on a first date, getting married, having Hiccup and then the end can be the flashback of her getting carried away by Cloudjumper. Dreamwork needs to make this happen!!!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, they were being marked as spam. Sorry about that, I'm not sure why, but I'll fix it!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I missed not being about to talk to people on this site.
ReplyDeleteHey guys! I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I'm having on the DreamWorks Press app for the Dragons story. I pretty much finished the first book but I can't seem to go forward because it keeps saying I need to name the dragon I obtained but the problem is I don't know how to do that. Can someone help me with that please?
ReplyDeleteBecause we have a countdown now? XD
ReplyDeleteTotally! XD
ReplyDeleteI hope to see a part when hiccup has trouble getting the paint on toothless!
ReplyDeleteYou have to wait until the second book comes out.
ReplyDelete.... Regrow... his foot? Do you know how incredably stupid that sounds?! You cant just regrow a limb!!!
ReplyDeletej love this film
ReplyDeleteI heard this new short involves a lost sheep.
ReplyDeleteOh o.O
ReplyDeleteDon't worry ;) (Hope there is an image in this message now -_-)
ReplyDeleteAw come on...
ReplyDeleteVery much so XD