In less than an hour, we're getting some new dragons! At 10:30 a.m. PDT, the DreamWorks WonderCon panel will begin, featuring new information (and possibly teaser videos) about the new series, DreamWorks Dragons: Race to the Edge!
Twitter: @httyd
Tumblr: racetotheedge
Keep this page bookmarked: we will be liveblogging the entire event! And don't forget to check Berk's Grapevine after the panel is over, as we have a little extra to share with you about the show!
DreamWorks released the following about Race to the Edge:
DreamWorks Animation Television today revealed to a standing-room-only crowd at WonderCon in Anaheim, that the all-new Dragons TV series will be called Dragons: Race to the Edge -- and that 13 episodes will premiere this June only on Netflix.
Art Brown and Doug Sloan, executive producers of Dragons: Race to the Edge, were special guests at the Sunday-morning panel DreamWorks: Dragons, Dinos & More, which was hosted by Eric Bauza, the star of DreamWorks Animation's The Adventures of Puss In Boots and Turbo Fast. Art and Doug revealed that Dragons: Race to the Edge, which takes place one year before the events of How to Train Your Dragon 2, will star the voices of Jay Baruchel, America Ferrera, T.J. Miller and Christopher Mintz-Plasse -- and isn't simply "a new series," as Doug said ... but an entirely new epic adventure that Art said "promises more dragons than anyone has ever imagined."
Audience members at WonderCon got the world's first look at the series, in which the discovery of a mysterious artifact called the Dragon Eye "is a game-changer, both for Hiccup and for all of the Dragon Riders," Art said.
Who has any ideas about what this mysterious "Dragon Eye" is? Here are a couple other images from the show:

The panel has just begun! Those who are attending received a piece of dragon artwork and a free three-month subscription to Netflix to watch the show!
DreamWorks has just shown a couple new clips from the film and released a new image from the series on their Twitter account. Also, the dragon from the artwork above has been given a name – the Deathsong – and will be appearing in the show as well!
DreamWorks just posted another photo from the show! There will be a total of 13 episodes of Race to the Edge appearing on Netflix in June!
See above for more information about the show!

First comment! Yay! Good to see you eel!
ReplyDeleteThe tumblr page! It is password protected!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I can't wait to see everything! I hope that we will get a teaser trailer and something else too! :)
ReplyDeleteHow does liveblogging work?
ReplyDeleteThis is what people that attended got as a gift:
That is so cool! I wish I could have attended but I don't live in the USA... :(
ReplyDeleteI'm refreshing the page every few minutes for news. I'm going crazy here.
ReplyDeleteI can't show it yet, but it will be up after!
ReplyDeleteIt's when someone attends the event and writes online as it's happening! Except I'm just pretending to be there, I'm actually just sitting at home, looking through tons of news feeds and finding interesting details to post.
ReplyDeleteMe too! :D
ReplyDeleteGeez. The animation is just bad.
ReplyDeleteThere's always that one complainer.
ReplyDeleteDo you know if there was any footage? Did anyone record a video?
ReplyDeleteDragon eye? Maybe that thing Hiccup is holding is the dragon eye?
ReplyDeleteWe are very lucky to live in a world full of great technology and extraordinarily high standards of animation. The animation may not be "top par" theatre going material, but this is a television series with a limited budget which has still taken thousands of hours of hard work from a team of people to produce. <3 I am sorry you are disappointed with how the animation looks, but I am thankful that these people have gone through such an effort to give us their hard word.
ReplyDeleteOmg! I'm so excited! I can't wait for June! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know where I could watch the clips?
ReplyDeleteI just noted that Art Brown and Douglas Sloan are now credited as executive producers. Who would be the producers then?
ReplyDeleteI can see the photo [with all of them and their dragons] being apart of the intro ending. =3
ReplyDeleteYay! :D
ReplyDeleteDragons is coming back!! To Berk we sail!
ReplyDeleteGreat :D
ReplyDeleteThe new Death Song and more new dragons got me excited :D
Check and guess.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know too.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't considered that. Yes it could be.
ReplyDeleteAstrid took a blow for hiccup I was like nice way to end the clip
ReplyDeleteAnd at the end of the intro they were watching the night sky oh and toothless has a new move plus dagur will return I asked about Alvin iq was gonna ask about heather but she only caused drama for hiccstrd plus I'm sure they would wanna surprise us regarding her
ReplyDeleteI really want to see these clips now.
ReplyDeletehicccstrid night clip has tumblr exploding
ReplyDeletenot right now anyway but the plot for the new seasons deals with this dragon eye that dagur is after
ReplyDeletethen don't watch it
ReplyDeleteWell then, I look forward to a more specific date.
ReplyDeleteI hope it has more rewatch value compared to the rob and dob series
ReplyDeleteSadly... I am somewhat dubious :(
ReplyDeleteBut hey, it is great to get more dragons while we wait AGES and AGES for HTTYD3...
Where'd you get this pic?
ReplyDeleteMe too.
ReplyDeleteThe twitter site.
ReplyDeleteAve Mildewis
ReplyDeleteWhy not 20 episodes? Unfair! :c oh well better than none
ReplyDelete:D Oh, this looks great! :D I AM SUPER EXCITED!
ReplyDeleteany clips yet????(please please please please)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for June! Let's go Hicctrisd!
ReplyDeleteno none that ive been able to find so far
ReplyDeletewell i loved te defeners if berk fine
ReplyDeletedont ou all say day :P
ReplyDeletean unofficial pster
ReplyDeleteunnodicial poster
ReplyDeletethriugh da whoe ting i ddnt realeh like heather
ReplyDeletealo fond the full version a but bigger then the bersgrapevine one twootter had bigger
ReplyDeletethohgt is is new
ReplyDeletewouldnt that be just sencerely sad? tjis inmspiration off vk.coms nain page of whata sad ending might be for them :(
ReplyDeletei gfound better versions
ReplyDeletekinda luckty dem
ReplyDeletenever rly liked her motives in rob
ReplyDeletemmhmm keep yer etes ob tumbler
ReplyDeleteSomeone posted these details about the clips somewhere on Tumblr and all I can say is I really need to see them.
ReplyDeletei knowwwwww
ReplyDeleteThey were so good, bro. I wish I had the ability called being able to travel so I could've went to see the panel myself. I hate being poor and miss going to conventions.
ReplyDeleteim not bro dontcall me that and so yeh knoiws imma one of the fiunding httyd ists on russuian frigh vk and on twotter id say :P
ReplyDeleteSorry. I'm tired, I tend to call people bro when I'm tired.
ReplyDeletewell dont
ReplyDeleteCalm down, it was an accident
ReplyDeleteooh stop fussi potting
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with calling you bro. It's a term that means friend or buddy
ReplyDeleteWow, whatever
ReplyDeleteheh at leasy you bother typing faster them some of these other slower ones
ReplyDeleteSorry, had to go and do something, but thanks.
ReplyDeletewhatever is tight yahh knowsss hehe i know its very truss cuzza imma the only eal toothless no matter what anyone else says boyt it and i claim all toothless as me and mi :P
ReplyDeleteHaha, nice
ReplyDeletei knowssa i has som of the fasteest replies hehe ima draggie imma toothless
ReplyDeleteWhere are you from irl
ReplyDeletemizza keepa typin tellimma bored
ReplyDeleteand this draggie is the only real fast good one
Where do you love? America? Canada? England?
ReplyDeleteit say on my odnoklassniki
ReplyDeleteYou are of Slavic relation?
ReplyDeleteyawnnnn zzzzz toothy is tireds
ReplyDeleteyou mans toothy is? and no
ReplyDeleteR u Russian? Ukrainian, Bulgarian? Serbian, Bosnian
ReplyDeleteOh, but it's all in cylliric
ReplyDelete this is my top page to go to to see httyd ingo
ReplyDeleteOh, so you're american?
ReplyDeleteUm.... Norway, Sweden of Finland
ReplyDeleteHouston, Texas?
ReplyDeleteh best version the highest cuz direct wont wirk
ReplyDeleteLet it go
ReplyDelete best version :P
ReplyDeletei thinks its odd how ithier netflixing the whole thing cuz out family it homesdont has that servise anyway and wouldnt pay like 8 dollers monthly to see it so why all the hype over it? cn was vetter
ReplyDeleteBrace yourselves. The Hiccdew shippers are returning.
ReplyDeletecan you give a link?
ReplyDeletethers none right now
ReplyDeleteI foun on tumblr a post that says there is another dragon called the Snow Wraith which sees in infrared. And some Rise of Berk dragons may appear on the show! Here I'm hoping for the Sweet Death.
ReplyDeleteintresting....yet to be confibrmed
ReplyDeleteekaboration helps
ReplyDeleteNo, I meant Snow.
ReplyDeleteHmm.. I don't know what to think about this. Exciting yes, and I like how everyone has changed and grew up. However, the one thing that bugs me (get ready) is Toothless. Hiccup has grown taller while his buddy is the same size. He's so small! Now I know this is set before Dragon 2, but in the sequel Toothless is about almost twice the size from Dragon 1. I know this is for a TV show, and cut backs are a pain, but I really wanted to see Toothless grown up a bit like everyone else.
ReplyDeleteyes intrestunnn
ReplyDeleteya guies seem hows teh makes yer owm storyline? its all over vk already
ReplyDeleteNot the only one who's attention that caught kind of stands out a little. To give the benefit of the doubt it could be something that happens through out the 13 episodes though. Or it might just be these images. (though I think that's doubtful on the later)
ReplyDeletewuish twwas more though
ReplyDeletemore dragons more action more hiccstrid more villians
ReplyDeleteoh and did i mention astrid took a blow for hiccup i wish someone caught footage like last year
ReplyDeletei read on tumbler already
ReplyDeleteI heard the clip shown was just the Snow Wraith's POV. I'm so excited to see what it looks like!
ReplyDeleteyeh might be
ReplyDeleteYea, someone put a whole entire post about it, which I'm thankful for. I have a few theories coming already and I'm so excited for June! I've never been excited for summer, so this is sayin' something.
ReplyDeleteIt seems a little limited in what you may be able to do with the characters and scenes. It's also quite expensive for the actual hardware your buying. It seems to me a lot of your moneys going to the projector since it comes with Intel real sense 3D. Either way seems cool would love the chance to mess around with it, but at that price range think I might pass. Link to the actual site if anyone wants it (just replace the slashes with periods):sprout/hp/com
ReplyDeleteshould see dese imma trtin to get talkings sstarted bout dem
ReplyDeleteI can give you a link to the post about it. =3
ReplyDelete*sorry for late response, internet went out.
and i saw waha haaaa most insightful piece ive seen all day
ReplyDelete"So let me just tell you guys a little about what they showed us, even though I know the panel will probably be online sometime soon, if it’s not already up.
ReplyDeleteThe new series “Dragons: Race to the Edge” looks very promising! It sounds like it will center around Hiccup and the gang exploring new areas with new dragons and enemies, all with the help of some object called the “Dragon Eye”. They didn’t go into much detail about what that was exactly, but it’s supposed to be a huge game changer (even though it looks like a kaleidoscope).
The show itself looks so much better than the first series, just from a visual standpoint. They’re still using the low-res rigs and quirky animation, but they’re a bit more expressive and textured than the first series. And the backgrounds and lighting look phenomenal! Overall it appears to be extremely high quality for a tv show.
The executive producers of the show were talking about how they’re excited to show how things came to be in the second film, and mentioned showing how Stoick trained Skull Crusher and Hiccup’s tests (and failures) with his new flight suit.
They also mentioned how Daggur has escaped from prison and is now coming after Hiccup for revenge. They said that there were a few other antagonists as well but wouldn’t go into much detail.
There were a bunch of different clips shown including one where Hiccup and Toothless are free falling; Hiccup just looks over at Toothless and in a really calm voice says “Hey.”. Other clips included a strange friendship formed between Tuffnut and a chicken, a back story involving Gothi and a Snow Wraith, and a mysterious hooded dragon rider.
As far as new dragons go, there will be a bunch more. The one in the sketch that we got is called the Death Song, which spits an amber-like substance on it’s victims, completely immobilizing them, and then eats them. (There was also a clip of this). We also saw a clip involving the Snow Wraith, which showed that it can only see through infrared vision. The producers said that there may be a few dragons from the Rise of Berk game that end up in the show too.
It looks like it’s going to be an impressive show and I can’t wait to see it when it comes out!"
What's a Snow Wraith?
ReplyDeleteyeah i liked those scenes
ReplyDeletei dont know, a website has claimed that Toothless is the same size between the two movies
ReplyDeleteI'm sad knowing that the fans who didn't go to wondercon will have to wait until, like, June for the clips they gave the people who attended. I don't think I will make it...
ReplyDeleteIt irks me too but what can you do? Toothless might have not hit his growth spurt yet, dragons aren't humans after all. Maybe when he hits his growth spurt, Hiccup then makes a new saddle and improves it alongside his prosthetic? That's a theory of mine, even if it doesn't happen in this series.
ReplyDeleteA new dragon apparently
ReplyDeleteYes but alls wellldmat emds well
ReplyDeleteWait amd seeee
ReplyDeleteYelmsiooy ya alrewdy saod tjat wlready
ReplyDelete awss jwwj
ReplyDeleteOooh hey guies imdinn8id anyn8f ya wo derd at tjis but. Took tjis to the livrary with me just to he certain....wee h8w i tookman i,age withnmya twkets csmera?yeh well i just thiufjt it ijtrstin how its so majestic withnits wimgs just abiut to go back up did any yo tjink it was cool aniut tnis toothtl3ss version kf te toy?cuz i noticd it
ReplyDeletefound iff
what would I have to put in to suruch it up?
ReplyDeleteWell, this might kind of be a test to see if there will be enough viewership watching or not.
ReplyDeleteThere are 26 episodes on the first season.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back
ReplyDeletei wonder why its only 13 episodes though cuz s3 and 4 was gonna be 26 episodes
ReplyDelete here's me with toothless
ReplyDeleteOh, wow! the Deathsong is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThey're gonna release them to see how it goes before releasing more the next month, I think. It's strange. xP Probably apart of the deal/contract with Netflix.
ReplyDeleteGo Deathsong!
ReplyDeleteWell, that drops the 52 episodes down, especially since this is just a year before the second film rather than 2 years prior.
reminds me of korra in a sense they moved korra online cuz the ratings were bad although i guess they moved dragons to netflix cuz of the reason you stated i just hope fans don't complain about the new season for whatever reason besides dagur is returning
ReplyDeletedeathsong is a cool dragon but i wonder what other villians are coming
ReplyDeleteI'm really happy that HTTYD is getting another series... Hiccup looks really freaking pale. Like, scary pale in one of the shots. It might be odd lighting but it's looks really bizarre. Also, it kind of looks like a video game which is interesting.
ReplyDelete the third season is gonna be interesting
ReplyDeleteits also interesting that the first two seasons intentionally weren't meant to touch on their toes for httyd2 which makes sense
ReplyDeleteSame! ;'(
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know as well.
ReplyDeleteME NEITHER!!:D:D
ReplyDeleteSure am looking forward to the new season!
ReplyDeleteI found something on tumblr and I don't know if it is true or not but it's on one of the clips that they showed at the panal beware there is parental spoilers!
ReplyDeleteHm... Dragon Eye... this seems gonna be a very interesting season. Sounds like some sort of treasure hunt and discovering secrets and mysteries, I'm excited!
ReplyDeleteAnd Deathsong! That sure is one pretty dragon. I think it looks even more beautiful than Deadly Nadder. I would assume it's a Stoker class...
Sure there's going to be new dragons but is there going to be any brand new human characters as well?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see a new villain and good ol' Heather back :D
ReplyDeleteWe know. I just need to see if the facial expressions are any better than the first season, and if the backgrounds are less repulsive. Compared to the first season, season 2 did a fantastic job by comparison. And the coloration has improved, though DotDR did disappoint me a bit with its own. But I digress. We all know that they aren't using the same computer systems from the movie footage, and there was a move of everything to be worked on by a different channel. They don't have a year per episode, and a lot of new locations may have been added to the map. As for me, I'm just glad they gave Hiccup a leather shirt because the "fur" vest's poor texturing really bothered me.
ReplyDelete13 episodes in a month? Or 13 in a season?
ReplyDeleteI don't think there was enough Mildew in the 2nd season, after all the build-up he was getting from the season 1 finale. I wish they didn't turn him into the Outcasts' calm center and had him a moment of downright evil like he did in the first season (Dragon Flower and When Lightning Strikes, more of those please!)
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see a non Viking villain.
ReplyDeleteI wonder when they're going to post the clips and stuff or IF they're going to post the clips
ReplyDeleteI think they're going to just take 13 at a time maybe
ReplyDeletethat would be cool!
ReplyDeleteMaybe they run into Bog Burglars, a women-dominant tribe known for being fearless masters of pick-pocketing, who in this case may have successfully caged a herd of Smothering Smokebreath on some island just of Breakneck Bog.
ReplyDeleteI remember thinking Heather would appear in the second film to resolve the Ruffnut love triangle, but she didn't so...Snotlout'll have to get off the island of Berk and kidnap pirates till he finds her or something, then show off rude and loud his victory. I doubt he's the proposing type, but we already know he probably (somehow) doesn't succeed in finding her and rescuing her for his own boastful Jorgenson agenda to be tougher than the chief. So I don't know what will happen when or if she comes back. Maybe she picked up on some "Astrid vs. Snotlout" tendencies.
A Roman villain.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting theory!
ReplyDeleteThe Deathsong might be my new favorite dragon now. It is verypretty looking
ReplyDeleteI NEED to see this clips nowww
ReplyDeleteWe'd all like to know....
ReplyDeleteThat would be really cool. The Roman's were in the books after all.
ReplyDeletei wonder what other hiccstrid moments doug and art have in store thats one other thing i could of asked but then again why spoil the romance
ReplyDeleteThe rumor is that Dagur's sister will show up.
ReplyDeleteAny chance of us who couldn't be at Wondercon being able to see video of the panel soon?
ReplyDeleteIt's as if this discussion was supposed to close 4 days ago. All my comments here were pending and they're stuck that way.
ReplyDeleteIt appears Fishlegs is the keeper of the Dragon Book, and The scroll Hiccup's holding is a map to the dragon eye. I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say it's a queen dragon's ruby.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I wasn't sure if my previous comments were deleted.
ReplyDeleteAnd the comment count keeps dropping.
Lol yeah
ReplyDeleteMe too
ReplyDeleteHmm so hiccup/astrid/fishlegs r 19 years old and the rest r 18 then..interesting
ReplyDeleteI didn't like Heather tbh. she was an interesting character but too much of an influence for the gang and esp. Hiccup. She came in between Hiccup and Astrid way too early in the season. If any I would've liked it better if she was introduced in Season 2.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if we're ever going to get the clips? ._.
ReplyDeletePssh I wish
ReplyDeleteNo new comments? Where is everyone?
ReplyDeleteThere used to be comments when I was a boy.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason every new comment seems to disappear. I don't know if they are deleting them or what.