Excited for Race to the Edge yet? Here's the latest trailer for the series, showing the new characters, dragons and locations the will show up in the next 13 episodes, all scheduled to be released on June 26. This includes some of the old favorites, like Heather and Dagur, as well as some new, mysterious dragons!
And here's a clip of Tuffnut finding a new dragon!
Thanks hiccupandtoothlesshybrid, William, AmericanDragon, and hiccstridessentials!

first comment :D
ReplyDeletefirst comment!
ReplyDeleteI love dagur's design just scratch the bred.
I do believe that heather is our hooded dragon rider. I also have a theory of her being a bounty hunter.
And most of all I can't wait! 7 more days!
Oooh man, the animation in this is absolutely incredible. I'm so excited to see more!
ReplyDeleteAS for the clip, awesome as well! It looks like the Night Terrors and Tuffnut thinking he's turning into a were-dragon are going to happen in the same episode!
I can't wait :D
ReplyDeleteI'm so looking forward to all the new dragons!!
ReplyDeleteI was excited to see the new water animations and I was not let down! The improvement from RoB/DoB to RttE is phenomenal and I think it's safe to assume that an award at the Annie Awards is guaranteed.
ReplyDeletewell what do you know they showed the teaser jumbled with clips guess there saving astrid saving hiccup for last im actually abit surprised they didn't show them watching the sunset or hictooth falling but oh well atleast fans on here got to see the jumbled clips
ReplyDeletethis will change everything
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that was dagur!! what happened to him?
ReplyDeleteI am still upset that I won't be able to see this because I do not have Netflix =(
For the short clip: I tip my hat to the animation beautifully presented here. Notice how the chicken's feathers ruffle in the breeze and how Tuffnut's dreadlocks fly with his movements. Also, I have to credit how his pupils dilate and shrink towards the end. A+ to the animation in all those little details there. Absolutely incredible!
ReplyDeleteThe shadowing and other character movements are amazing as well. Let's not forget how EVERY SINGLE ONE of the Night Terrors are animated to fly together and individually without having their flight movements composed to be in-time with the others! This quality is only capable through a professional's hard work and I give 10 out of 10 Fireworm Queen-thumbs up to the animators!
Tuffnut is scared? Don't you think you're over-reacting a little even for yourself, Tuff? xD
0:47 on the first clip: the glowing algae sea?
ReplyDeleteOoh, and when those bat-dragons collected into a cluster forming the image of a night fury.
They Alvined him up.
ReplyDeleteI thought that was the glowing algae water from the Frightmare episodeIs this the save clip you were hoping for or did the save scene come from elsewhere?
ReplyDeleteXD Tuffnut in the second clip was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteit's the best second in the video
ReplyDeleteTomorrow is 1 week till it comes out! So excited!
ReplyDeleteyup but I don't know where I will watch i becease I don't have netflix
ReplyDeleteI saw a Scauldron!
ReplyDeleteAll of the sudden all I really want is to see the sky light up with a million little glowing fireworm dragons...
ReplyDeleteyup and thunder drum and rumblehorn
ReplyDeleteScauldrons are more interessting!!!!! jk
ReplyDeleteShe could be the one on the Razorwhip?
ReplyDeletehiccup still goes yeah baby when astrid said don't do anything crazy i was like your bf is crazy
ReplyDeleteIs that guy with the red beard supposed to be Dagur?
ReplyDeleteYes, I think he was in prison.
ReplyDeleteI do you can maybe do a free trial for 1 month.
ReplyDeleteOMG...... Is that the chicken tuffnut makes friends with?
ReplyDeleteI guess so?
ReplyDeleteWhen searching the high seas for an island outpost to call your own, remember it’s all about location, location, location! - How to Train Your Dragon Facebook Page
ReplyDeleteAnyone else notice the white glowing dragon among the thousand of other dragons in Tuffnut's clip? I'm guessing that's the leader.
ReplyDeleteOh. My. Thor. Got to love Tuff. XD
She totally is.
ReplyDeleteSO. MUCH. HYPE. A week. Only a week. Please go by quickly...
ReplyDeleteThe new design for Dagur scares me.
ReplyDeleteIn the scene where Hiccup and Toothless are flying towards Dagur's ship at 0:36, is that Savage I see? It looks like his helmet
ReplyDeleteI thought I saw Savage with him it could be.
ReplyDeletemmmmmmmmm good idea
ReplyDeleteive never seen so many dagur fans but heather deserves love to so heather heather oy oy oy hopefully she will be a good addition to the rider team i just hope hiccther shippers don't get the wrong idea he might of been to judging at first but when he said astrid be safe i knew that his feelings for astrid were so much more then just friendship
ReplyDeletehow romantic saving Astrid XD
ReplyDeleteI didnt see the saving Hiccup one
ReplyDeleteI think people don't talk or fangirl/boy over Heather as much because we didn't get to see or learn much about her, other than what her immediate problems were. I think once this season dives deeper into her personality and disposition she will get more attention.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Hiccther shippers: my advice is as long as they aren't shoving what you don't like in your face, let the shippers ship. Some prefer to ship ships that can't be canon for reasons only they can understand. ;)
That was a gorgeous scene indeed!
ReplyDeleteHey guys check out this new picture
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or are do those look Like toothless prosthetic tails im the background
ReplyDeleteYeah a bunch of people are doing it.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone plays School of Dragons, here is my friend code: AXHIFW
ReplyDeleteDagur looks crazier than ever. He looks like a bum dragged out of the gutter or something!
ReplyDeleteI think they are.
ReplyDeleteThey're like college flags people hang up in their rooms to show their pride! Makes perfect sense because after all, the gang is out on their own as if they were attending college themselves. ;D
It looks like Dagur has a new outfit and it looks like it has a skrill on it.
ReplyDeletemaybe hiccstrid shares a dorm lol it could happen
ReplyDeleteIt would appear that Hiccup made more than one fin for Toothless in the series. XD
ReplyDeletei wonder how deranged his sister is lol
ReplyDeletethey have grown
ReplyDeleteTrailer 00:28
ReplyDeleteI so bet that's Heather.
it is. look at the pics of heather and then at her clothes. then look at the riders clothes. they're the same clothes. it has to be heather.
ReplyDeleteOoooh I wouldn't assume they've gotten THAT far yet, lol! ;D
ReplyDeleteIt would be hilarious and awesome to see her if she's going to be another important character!
ReplyDeleteOMG IT'S HEATHER... on a Razorwhip??? Is that why her armor is like that?
ReplyDeleteIf they are prosthetic tails, then lemme just say... They look awesome
ReplyDeleteI know right? He should shave
ReplyDeleteThe armor proves that's Heather
ReplyDeleteIt's like a customized skateboard collection.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! DID YOU SEE HEATHER ON THAT DRAGON??? *Squeals* AND WHJAT'S HAPPENED TO DAGUR HE LOOKS LIKE SOME CRAZED AWESOME VILLAIN. Actually he is a crazed awesome villain. Tbh he actually looks more like his personality with ginger hair and the starting of a straggly beard;D And Tuffnut's face "Oh my Thor..." ;'D
ReplyDeleteOh yeah! It's really pretty armour actually:D He looks awesome though! Exactly like a villain who's been stuffed through a prison for however long is supposed to look;) And he's grown just like Hiccup and the rest of the gang.
ReplyDeleteHaha yeah! I hope they put them on Toothless sometime- he'd look awesome!:D
ReplyDeleteI hope so!:D It looked rainbow coloured..;)
ReplyDeleteI'm doing it- then at least if we can't watch it when they all come out you can when these 13 come out- I'm so excited!:D
ReplyDeleteAWW! So cute!;D
ReplyDeleteAnyone else see a rumblehorn in the flames? Right after the scauldron? Look closely and pause at about 0:48 SKULLCRUSHER?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteYooo hoooo... look closely at 0:48 to see Skullcrusher charing out of the fire. Right after the scauldron and right before the pink thunderdrum.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't see why not? I mean, it could happen, that'd be so cute! I mean they have been dating for at least 3 years now right?
ReplyDeleteI also always love how focused or concentrated Hiccup looks when he's saving someone. It's like he's determined. Which he is <3
ReplyDeletehooo... Night Terrors look awesome!
ReplyDeleteHey Dragon fans!
ReplyDeleteI showed my older sister a picture of Dagur in seasons one and two then what he'll look like in season three and all she said was that Dagur looks like a hobo.
ReplyDeleteHe did say in season two he had a sister.
ReplyDeletehttps://38.media.tumblr.com/edade1e28246613431c9770a8d16cd3a/tumblr_nq6nhsUpKT1t7xlbio1_500.gif welcome aboard dragon rider
ReplyDeleteI love the trailer but i was hoping for the clip where Astrid saves Hiccup
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this season
I wonder how Hiccup is going to ask Astrid to be his girlfriend because in How To Train Your Dragon 2 Astrid is his longtime girlfriend and this season is the prequel of the sequel right?
I wonder how the relationship between Astrid and Stoick is gonna grow because in HTTYD2 Stoick called Astrid his "Future daughter-in-law"
I can't wait for heather to appear in this season
I wonder how and when Fishlegs and Snotlout are going to start liking Ruffnut
I want to see more Hiccup and Astrid
I also want to see their relationships with each other grow like Astrid and Ruffnut and Heather became closer to each other since they are the only girls in the gang
I also want to see their bond with their dragons became closer especially to Astrid and Stormfly cause in the previous seasons they have episodes of the other riders bond with their dragons like:
Snotlout and Hookfang in Race to the Fireworm Island
Ruffnut & Tuffnut and Barf & Belch in Twinsanity
Fishlegs and Meatlug in The Iron Gronkle
And Hiccup and Toothless in most of the episodes so i want to see more Astrid and Stormfly in this season
I wanted to see more of Astrid I want her to be the hero and not being rescue
I want more HiccStrid
And I want to see more clips before they show the episodes
Sorry if my comment was too long I'm just really exited for this new season
And sorry for my grammar and my english
to bad heather is not in the movies
ReplyDeleteTuffnut and a chicken
ReplyDeleteIs that the chicken they are talking about?
Is that Heather?
ReplyDeleteIt was seen at Wondercon in their preview. I'm assuming they are saving it for the episode or later commercials.
ReplyDeleteGosh the trailer is gorgeous to look at for so many reasons and makes so hyped! The Fireworm scene reminded me of the lantern scene from Tangled, so stunning.
ReplyDeleteSigh, with every new clip I get more and more excited! But then I remember I don't have netflix and want to cry... PLEEEEEAS let this come out on DVD. I mean if they can release Tubo FAST on dvd this should deserve a DVD release too!
Darn the trees surrounding my house and blocking out internet signals!!! T__T
now we know its heather for sure your welcome
ReplyDeleteI prefer the black one with the green flames
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else notice that the heard of small dragons formed the shape of a night fury in the end of the first video?
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/yucdC5laTCI hard to believe alvin used to be ozai just as heather used to be katara
ReplyDeleteI just noticed... She's wearing a mask
ReplyDeleteOh yeah she is! I didn't realise that!;) She looks so cool!!:D
ReplyDeleteOh Thor...
ReplyDeleteYeah- it matches his eyes!;)
ReplyDeleteAnyone see the water animation behind the Scauldron!?
ReplyDeleteYes, but not in that version. I wonder how Mark Hamill went from playing Luke Skywalker to playing cartoon villains like Firelord Ozai, Alvin, and The Joker.
It's Heather, isn't it.
ReplyDeleteDoes that dragon have eyelashes?
ReplyDeleteThe one with Astrid in it, where it says "New Adventures" I'll bet you Hiccup comes to join her. It just spells Hiccstrid scene all over it
ReplyDeleteHe's a stylish dragon. Got a problem with that
ReplyDeleteMore like Fabulous dragon
ReplyDeletethats simple he has more fun with voiceover
ReplyDeleteOh okay, I was gonna say, I didn't see it in the trailer
ReplyDeleteYeah! Ha-ha... It looks really cool!
ReplyDeleteI love this trailer! I watched it so many times now! The animation for this series is totally awesome..... I've never seen anything like it.
ReplyDeleteIt's not glowing algae.. In the background u can see the sun shining. Actually there are deep in the water.
ReplyDeleteLol.. Perfect comparison between modern and ancient worlds.
ReplyDeleteI think they might share a dorm.... That would be really cute!
ReplyDeleteOmg she looks so cool! The dragon riders a she, right? Wow! This is soooo gonna be the best season ever!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIs she really heather.? How did she train such a cool dragon.... Tbh I don't really like Heather..
ReplyDeleteI like what they did to dagur... He looks grown up and cool!!
ReplyDeleteHe's one of my favourite characters in this series!
ReplyDeleteA bounty hunter?? U mean like she gets paid to capture dragons? Maybe she gets dragons for dagur!
ReplyDeleteWait! Not dagur.. Drago! Its possible right? They did say that they might show villains connected to drago. Maybe Heather brings dragons to drago!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Wow! U r really excited about this aren't u? Well...... So am I!! OHMYGODS!
ReplyDeletethis new series will change everything im excited for hictooth free falling
ReplyDeleteSame!:D He's one of the best villains I think DreamWorks have ever created:)
ReplyDeleteSince 13 episodes are going out at once, I wonder is there's going to be a post per episode or post per half-season.
ReplyDeleteYeah, would be cool and somewhat ethereal though if not deadly.
ReplyDeleteIkr! He's soo crazy and cool.. Greatest villain ever!!!
ReplyDeleteIt would be cool... Though if it was deadly Astrid would be in a lotta trouble if it weren't for hiccup any toothless.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they will also show how hiccup made his flight suit! Now that would be really awesome!
ReplyDeleteThey did talk something about Hiccup making Inferno. :D I'm REALLY hoping that's there too.
ReplyDeleteAhh these last 4 days are going to go soo slowly...just because we want them to go fast ._.
ReplyDeleteIt has to be part of the story and how it tests it out.. It's like httyd where hiccup tests toothless's tail.
ReplyDeleteDragons Adventure Crunch Cereal! Just in time for the episodes!
ReplyDeleteThey all would catch the disease or come out from some spa water smelling like rotten eggs. There's mineral water spas in Iceland that are like that. But glowing algae? The just say don't touch that glowing thing that is obviously drawing you in. Who wouldn't be drawn to glowing water?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I don't need tons of sugar just because it has Toothless on the front of the box. :P
ReplyDeleteBerries? Sue me, but I won't swallow.
ReplyDeleteIt's not gonna come to a chain store near me, anyway.
ReplyDeleteWell at least there is no high fructose corn syrup in it.
ReplyDeleteARG IM SO EXCITED! But why the heck does Australia have to wait a day longer? i have to wait a WHOLE DAY longer than you guys. plus the fact that australia has the WORST Wi Fi! did i mention th waiting?
ReplyDeleteTrue.. I would be drawn to it. It's a curious thing I guess. But is it actually something deadly or are we just guessing everything?
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for the third season!! :D Wow, the animation has improved so much, I mean, just compare Riders of Berk to Race to the Edge! Just wow! I can't wait to see it!
ReplyDeleteBut hey, here's a question: do you know how many episodes this season will have? :)
13, I think.
ReplyDeleteThey release them 13 at a time. They mentioned months back that there'd be 52 episodes total for seasons 3 and 4.
ReplyDeleteI don't know. I think such a place was on some news list of places you have to see to believe earlier this year. I'm trying to find it. The water was glowing blue.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply! ^_^ I didn't notice that this info was below the trailer...
ReplyDeleteIt's just unhealthy in general. I prefer plain chex cereal or something natural and nutritious. ;)
ReplyDeleteWell I eat puffin's cereal and it's good.
ReplyDeleteEat what you like, I'm not trying to stop you. xD
ReplyDeleteAnd I won't force you to eat it. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat's the place called? I'd really like t see such a place.. It must be so beautiful to live near that area and I also heard of that movie the secret of nimh but felt too bored to watch it.... Can u tell me what it's like? I might watch it if I know what it's about.
ReplyDeleteI found it, down below in my other comment. Hong Kong, Arabian Sea, and Sydney. Mostly Hong Kong.
ReplyDeleteSecret of NIMH is one of the many mouse-era films of the 70s-80s. In it, an ever-timid, widowed mouse has to move her home to safety from the threat of the human farmers. The problem, one of her sons has pneumonia (making going outside deadly), and the only ones who can help her are in a secret society of rats who were mutated alongside her late husband to have human intelligence. And one of them, a late friend of her husband's gives her a magic amulet powered by courage. Being a 70s film, it does start slow, but the secret world the intelligent rats create is incredible, and I won't dare give away the climax. It also was a callback to old animation techniques in an era where Disney itself was taking shortcuts.
ReplyDeleteWow! I never knew an animation plot could be so twisted in such a cool way..... It sounds awesome and I'm definitely gonna watch it! Damn! And for a 70s film its pretty cool! And thanks for the locations.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome!
ReplyDeleteIt was a nice touch that all the night terrors go into a formation of a huge night terror.. Makes it look scary and cooler than just a single night terror... It looks as cute as a terrible terror!
ReplyDeleteActually I beg to differ. There WILL be 52 episodes and they WILL come out 13 at a time but they will only be part of one season and this season will last up to 2 years. then the 4th season will come out and have another 30 episodes or so.
ReplyDeleteYup! Hmm.... The dragon must be a female. I wonder how Heather got such a dragon. The scales look like its an armor.
ReplyDeleteWe got only 1 more day guys!!!!!! Wow! This is soo exciting! I've never been this excited about any show ever! I can't stop running around my room........ And screaming..... And crying so happily.... And oh gods I can't wait for tomorrow!!! Is everyone as crazy and excited as me or am I the only one?????
ReplyDeleteWill there be more episodes to the series? I really hope there is!