With over 24 hours of How to Train Your Dragon films, shorts, and episodes, there is more dialogue than any of us can remember. Enter BarfAndBel.ch, a website and massive fan project to keep track of every important quotation in the dragon canon!
If you're a Google Chrome user, you can also download the BarfAndBel.ch extension that turns your useless new tab page into a highly entertaining dragon-quoting machine. But if you use Firefox or another browser, you too can fill your browser with dragons by following the instructions on the extension page.
Haven't seen your favorite dragon quote? Add it yourself! BarfAndBel.ch is a community-driven project, so the more quotes everyone adds, the better! Or, if you're interested in adding a quote-spitting Zippleback to your own projects, check out the BarfAndBel.ch API!
We can't wait to see what new dragon quotes you add!
Thanks to Iantje for the creating the site with the help of hictooth!
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