You may have seen a preview of this clip in one of the earlier clips that was released, but here is the full scene featuring Viggo and a new dragon, exclusive to Berk's Grapevine! And last week, you asked questions for Race to the Edge executive producers Art Brown and Doug Sloan. Here are there answers to your questions about the upcoming season:
Which of the new dragons or characters should we be most excited about?
The Submaripper — it’s underwater powers are really cool and it will reappear.
The Shadow Wing — a bomber type dragon with smaller ones attached to its wings that detach and do its dirty work.
What are the main ways the riders will be tested this season?
Hiccup’s leadership skills will definitely be tested by Viggo and Ryker, especially towards the end of the season. He will have to get inside their heads if he has any chance to defeat them. He will be emotionally tested as well, especially during Blindsided and after that episode.
The Riders individually will be tested where they need it most, such as Fishlegs’ ability to lead, Astrid’s ability to deal with a very difficult physical impediment, Tuffnut’s ability to choose his sister and friends over Macey.
The Riders as a whole will be tested both physically and emotionally, especially in a particular episode where they are fighting sleep deprivation.
Are there any especially fun moments to watch out for?
Tuffnut playing two roles — his usual wacky self and his cousin, Gruffnut, who looks just like him. Twice the funny.
The kids dealing with sleep deprivation — very funny episode as we see them in ways we never have before.
A first for Hiccup and Astrid. But our LIPS are sealed!
Which episode was most exciting to see in progress, from script to screen?
The Gruffnut episode was especially fun because we got to really play with TJ Miller’s comic genius. He crushed it as Gruffnut. Also, the Submaripper episode and Blindsided, because they had such big moments. Different moments, but big ones.
Will the Dragon Eye play an important role in the next set of episodes?
Yes, the Dragon Eye continues to be very important, although we don’t play keep away with it nor have it moving from side to side. What happens to it has been very carefully crafted as it has to sustain itself down the road. So we use it sparingly, while making sure we don’t get repetitive.
What kinds of ways will the characters grow or change over the season?
Dealing with Viggo, all the characters must grow up, especially Hiccup. As we’ve seen in the prior season, Viggo is a completely different type of villain, one that Hiccup must rise to the occasion to combat.
Individually, we always try to push our characters to grow in situations that they haven’t been in. Hiccup and Astrid will definitely have one of those moments. So will each of our characters as they struggle against demons, both inside them and around them.
The next set of episodes will be released on Netflix this Friday. They normally show up on Netflix at midnight (PST), if you're planning on staying up all night to watch them. You can check the countdown timer in the sidebar to see the exact release time in your time zone!

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